3.2. Grosse Encounters

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When it was time for the team to make their way over to the woods they split up right away so that they could find the crash side quicker.

Seeing as it was Alex's first official time going undercover on the field, she decided it would be best to stay with Anisha. Not that she had anything against Zoe or Dan it's just Anisha and Alex have the same type of humour.

Anisha and Alex found the crash site within 5 minutes.

"Tom, we've found the crash site." Anisha said to Tom through the pencil communicator. Just as Anisha finished her sentenced Alex's heat sensor started to beep letting them know that people were coming towards. This caused Alex and Anisha to look at each other in panic and rushed to hide in the bushes around them.

Turns out it wasn't green men running around. It was their classmates.

"Hey, guys! I've found it! We've got ourselves a landing site. Let's get a whole alien army going." Roly said as he turned to his two friends he brought with him. Roly then brought out home made big foot that mimics an alien foot and presses it on the floor and takes a picture of his 'evidence'

"Check out the big alien footprint. It works! See it and weep, McNab. I'm SO taking down that prize."

A beeping than came from Alex's communicator causing Roly and his friends to look around.

"What was that?!"

"What?" Alex was trying to hurry and take her pencil out of her pocket so she can try to quite the sound. As she is not allowed to decline the call due to the rule of MI9.

"Something glowing in the bush. We've found one! Like in the movies, the finger glows... Bing! "Phone...ho-o-o-me..." Roly then walks up to the bush the two girls were hiding in.

"Hello? Are you in there, little guy? Do you want to phone home?"

"Not cool, Roly. It might have teeth." His friends says getting scared.

"Oh, right, yeah. Didn't think of that. Need a bit of back up here, guys..." Roly had not notice that his friends has started to run away.

"Guys?!" Roly looks behind him and see that his friends are no longer there so he runs after them. Alex then takes the chance to answer her pencil as quick as possible.


"Nearly got me caught there Tom!"

"Are you ok? Why's everybody stopped moving?" "Tom says quickly getting straight to the point.

"Anisha and I nearly got court by Roly and his friends. Who else has stopped?" Alex replied.

"Zoe. Nothing for five minutes. Either she's dropped her marker, or..."

"We'll go find her. Where is she?"

"27 degrees north west."

"Got it"

"What did Tom have to say" Anisha asked.

"We need to find Zoe, her communicator is left and up a bit."

Alex and Anisha started walking in the direction of Zoe's last location when Anisha spots two people running across the woods. They both hide behind a tree and Alex looks closer and notices that Mr Grosse is chasing Zoe.

Dan sees the two girls hiding behind a tree and rushes up to them.

"Problem?" Dan asked making Alex jump seeing as he appeared out of nowhere.

"Zoe" Anisha pointed to the two figures running down the path. Dan nods and comes up with an idea. He get some thin rope out of his pocket.

"Grab this" Dan said to Anisha and gave her the rope. He rushed to the other side of the path. He waited for Zoe to run across the rope.

"Up" Dan said as Mr Grosse got closer to the rope. Mr Grosse then tripped over the rope and fell face first into the mud. This gave Zoe time to run away and get out of sight. Alex, Dan and Anisha also ran away so Mr Grosse wouldn't see them. After a few minutes of running the trio stopped.

"I miss my screens. I was not made for this" Alex says as her breathes heavily from the running. Dan and Anisha just laugh at her comment. Everyone then got a message on the spy pod from Frank saying to head back to base.


"We had to abort. Too many rogue classmates on the loose."

"And 5.1. That Grosse guy was seriously scary. He knew about the satellite." Zoe said

"Strange" Frank says in confusion.

"Chased me through the woods. Don't know how I shook him off!" Zoe says in shock.

"Big Boys' Book of Survival Tips. We've got your back." Dan then held his hand up for Zoe to high-five him, but Zoe just waved at him.

"No, it's a high five. You do this." Dan then slapped his hand lightly against hers.

"Oh Ok" Zoe then hit her hand against Dan, not realising her own strength as she hit with more force.

"Did we find anything?" Frank said putting an end to the high five conversation.

"I got this" Anisha said giving the peace of MYRA to Tom. He makes his way over to his computer and the team follow him but Zoe, she picks up a device on the table.

Just as Tom connected the peace of MYRA to the computer there is a buzzing noise coming from behind them. They turn around to see Zoe hold a device and a laying down Flopsy on the table.

"Oops! I think I killed Flopsy." Tom then stands up from his chair and walks over to Zoe.

"I meant to say..." Tom picks up the device from the table. "DON'T touch that!"

"What have I done" Zoe asks in shock and worry.

"It's OK. The limbic stimulator. My new device. It scrambles neurons in the hippocampus, triggering high-energy REM activity." Tom explained. Alex saw the look on everyone's faces and sighed as she knew she had to dumb it down for everyone.

"He's saying Zoe sent Flopsy to sleep" Tom leaned over to Alex.

"I did say that, didn't I?" He whispered in confusion. Alex just looked at him with an amused face. She tried not to notice the small distance between them. A beeping that came from the computer pulled Alex and Tom away from each other, and the team rushed over to Tom's computer.

"Bingo. Looks like MYRA was carrying energy sensors. She's picked up heat flares here and here." Tom points at the red dots on the computer.

"Underground missile launchers" Frank explains to the team.

"It's no use. Just bits of memory. We need the Box to get the full data. Hang on. What's this?" As everyone looks at the screen they see St Hearts.

"A very messy school yard." Zoe states.

"It's St Hearts" Dan says. Alex leans over Tom so that she can reach his computer.

"Hang on, look. It's the broom cupboard"

"MYRA's found our hiding place" Tom confirms.

"OK. Big trouble. Whoever finds that box will have access to military secrets from all over the world, and enough information to blow our cover and put the entire M.I. High operation in jeopardy."

The team just looked at each other, everyone feeling worried. The M.I. High team could disappear if and wars could start if someone found the box.


Word count: 1250


I actually have no reason why I have been away other then I wasn't really that motivated and I have been so busy with College work. I do hope people still reading this and I am so grateful for those who have stuck with me from the beginning and have been patient with me.

Question: Should Alex join the team more on the field more often? - comment yes or no.

Next chapter should be up in a few days. I have the last 5 minutes of the episode left to write. It may not be up tomorrow as it is Christmas and I am in holiday.

Thank you.

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