1.5. Fall Of Skul

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I see a short metal pole on the floor and pick it up. I then turned to the one that pushed me and started hitting him with the pole until he was on the floor.


Alex POV:

The people we were fighting seem to be so amazed by our fighting skills that they run away.

"Retreat! Retreat!" I look behind me and see that Stella and her team have showed up. So it wasn't us who scared them away. Huh.

"Yeah, yeah, you run away!" I see Frank walk up to The Grandmaster in a hurry. He points a finger at The grandmaster.

"Those men can't possibly be who I think they were." He says quickly. He continues

"Tell me why was SKUL evacuating?" This time Stella joins the conversation.

"Because someone told him we were coming." She grabs Zoe's arm.

"It wasn't Zoe! Someone else is after The Grandmaster and they're getting away!" Dan says standing up for Zoe. Wow I guess Dan now trusts Zoe. Stella wasn't having it though she has her mind set on not trusting Zoe.

"This girl is a SKUL Agent and she is not to be trusted!" Everything then happened so quickly. Aneisha saw The Grandmaster point his walking stick at Frank.

"Look out" Aneisha yells.The Grandmaster presses the button and a red laser comes out the end. Then before anyone can stop her Zoe jumps in front of Frank making it so the laser hits her in the chest. Zoe falls to the floor

"Zoe!" We all call out and rush over to her. I kneel behind her and put her head on my lap.

"Zoe? Zoe, no!" Dan takes her hand and feels her pulse we all look at him and he doesn't say anything. Zoe is dead. We all sit in silence, that is until Dan brakes it.

"Wait. She's alive!" I was wrong again damn. But Zoe is alive so that's good. Zoe starts to come round.

"How? She took the full force of the laser." Stella says in disbelief. Zoe begins to cough and Dan and I help her sit up.

"She saved Frank's life." Tom says stating the obvious to everyone.

"Exactly. Now do you trust her?"Aneisha says aiming that at Stella.

Zoe pulls the book out from her blazer pocket and looks at the burnt circle in the middle of the cover. It was there book that Aneisha got her from MI9. Stella takes the book out of her hands and looks at it. She would probably accuse Zoe of stealing it but I think Zoe has proved herself.

"Are you ok Zoe, you know, seeing as you died for 5 seconds" I say to Zoe. She just laughs lightly at me.

Police siren start to go off in the background and more cars start to arrive. After all these year the grandmaster is going to be arrested and SKUL is defeated. Frank walks back over to The Grandmaster, and we all follow behind him.

"Grandmaster, on behalf of all my MI High teams, you're under arrest." And with that The Grandmaster gets pulled away by Stella team. Franks turns to us and says how we need to get back to school before the day ends.


We are in the back of a Morrisons lorry in our own cubicles so we can get changed back into our school uniform. Sounds easy right? Wrong. The amount of time I have lost my footing every time the lorry goes over a bump or a pothole in the road is unbelievable. We need a real life Patricia Snodaworth for this road safety.

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