2.5. Trojan Korps

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When the MI High team got back to school they went to their lessons. Unfortunately they didn't have the same classes together. Dan and Aneisha were in one class, Tom and Alex in the other and poor Zoe had to deal with Melissa by herself. An hour had passed, Dan and Aneisha walked out of their class together passing Byron.

"My soul's all messed up Like an MI9 operation. My heart's all leaky like some secret service information." He sang as he played his guitar.

"I don't believe this. Even Byron's having a go." Aneisha said to Dan in disbelief. Zoe appeared from around the corner rushing as she was trying to avoid Melissa.

"No! No! No!"

"OK, we'll talk about it tomorrow!" Melissa said as she waved bye to Zoe. Zoe walked up to Dan and Aneisha.

"What was it this time?" Aneisha asked Zoe. Melissa was constantly trying to get the group to join some extra curriculum clubs.

"She wants actors for a school play about MI9. It's a comedy."

"I can't take much more of this." Aneisha says with a hint of defeat in her voice.

"You know, we'd be bad agents if we didn't at least look at the possibility..." Dan was cut off by Aneisha.

"That Frank's a traitor? I don't believe it." Aneisha said, sticking up for Frank.

"I don't like it either, but he did suggest we leave Vault 12 without investigating that heat reading."

"He didn't want us to back Stella up at the conference either. Or trace the communicator signal." Zoe said backing up Dan.

"Are we really sure about him? We haven't known him long." As soon as those words left Dan's mouth Alex walks up to the trio and instantly knew that they were talking about the situation with Frank.

"Do you really think that the same man who introduced us to this spy world would be the same person to betray MI9" Alex continued to defend Frank.

"He fought in the mission against KORPS and lost his team why would he betray MI9, a place where he has spent most of his life. I refuse to believe that Frank is guilty and I will prove his innocence no matter how long it takes"

"I agree, his behaviour's been a bit strange, but I won't believe he's a traitor until I see proof." Aneisha says having the same ideas as Alex. Tom them walks up to the group with some news.

"They just found information on Frank's secure log in that led them to the stolen Global Vaporiser."

"It could be mind control." Anisha says to the group trying to be optimistic.

"Aneisha, sooner or later we've got to ask ourselves the question..." Zoe finished Dans sentence

"Why do we think he's innocent?"

"Did I or did I not just give you a list of reasons." Alex says to Dan and Zoe while going to stand next to Tom.

"I know how it looks, but one of the reasons they made me an agent was because I can see what people are really like. And I'm telling you, Frank didn't do this." Aneisha says siding with Alex.

"Thank you!" Alex exclaimed looking at Anisha. Alex then turns to look at Tom, indicating that he needs to give his opinion on how Frank is innocent.

"I guess just because we don't know how his account could be hacked doesn't mean it can't be done."

"Exactly" Alex said then turns to Zoe.

"He gave me a new life. I'm with Frank, no matter what." Zoe goes to stand next to Anisha and the four look at Dan expectedly.

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