Howie shook the man's hand "It's very appreciated, really. Thank you so much for all of your help. Please thank your mother on our behalf for her hospitality."

Millie finally flung her leg over the seat and straddled the bike, holding on excessively tight to Howie's waist. "Shit, this is not good." she muttered, as Howie twisted the handles sending the bike in a revving frenzy. "Thank you" she waved as they slowly began their shaky route.

Eventually Howie got the hang of the bike and Millie eased up, letting the blood flow through his body again. They had ridden for almost an hour and a half and he could feel Millie shifting behind him.

He noticed a gas station ahead of them, a little leery the twosome walked close together to pay for snacks and gas. "I never would have guessed that you could ride one of these things?" Millie teased poking his rib.

"Oh this, well I hadn't said anything...but I got a couple of cuts and bruises from my practice this morning." he chuckled as he saw her astounded look. "'s a joke" he placed the pump back and hopped back on, smiling because it was definitely not a joke.

"Yeah right!" she smirked, grabbing hold of him again, this time feeling on his stomach "He's pretty fit." she spoke to herself.

Howie smiled, feeling a current through his body, as he felt the warmth of her hands move across his stomach. "Did you say something?"

His voice made her realize what she was doing and quickly she placed her hands back on his sides. Clearing her throat she replied nervously "Nothing I was talking to myself."

They continued their path and within forty five minutes they had entered the beautiful city of San Antonio. The sun was shining brightly and there was a nice breeze passing through. They pulled into the motel 6 and with the last of their cash paid for a single room.

The twosome entered the room, Millie running to the restroom. Howie took a seat on the bed, staring at the ground for a long while, until he heard her come out of the bathroom.

"Are you ok?" she asked, taking a seat next to him.

"Yeah I'm good, just tired and worried about the guys." he looked up at her, as she placed her hand on his. Her eyes didn't seem sad, like he remembered them and her smile was incredible. He found himself getting closer to her, craving to taste her lips again.

Don't do it Millie, you're not supposed to. AJ...AJ...

Millie felt her eyes begin to close, the thought of how disappointed AJ would be if he knew she was kissing his friend gnawed at her. Just as she could feel him breathing against her, she pulled away and blurted, "AJ hasn't called."

Howie cleared his throat "No, and I don't think he will. You know they can't call often in jail..." he said making his way to the bathroom "Well I'm going to take a nap..."

She plugged her phone into the charger they had picked up, "Well I'm going to leave it charging, I'm going to walk around. See what we can do later." she exited the room, letting out a sigh as she made her way towards the street.

As soon as Howie heard the door close, he stepped outside cursing himself under his breath.

What the hell are you thinking? You're freaking the girl out! God, you're so stupid!

He jumped at the singing coming from the phone. He was surprised to see AJ's name flashing on the screen, quickly he grabbed it and answered. "Hello"

"Hey man, we are free like birds. Of course on bail, thanks to Kevin."

Howie chuckled "That is great, see Kevin still cares. So what about the accountant and everyone else?"

"I just talked to them, they're on their way out here. The accountant said that we can use our credit cards only. He says it's a big fucking mistake, that he has all the proof we need. So we should be off the hook. Of course we are already all over the news! Kevin says that's how he found out." AJcould sense Howie's mind wandering.

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