23 : End of First Ascent

Comincia dall'inizio

Cecilia blasted it with wind magic and Nico immediately wrapped it with metal after it landed on the floor. I still have an uneasy feeling about it so I sent a regular water ball to it and after it hit became a block of ice wrapping the creature with ice and metal.

“How can we get out of here? Should we just kill that thing?” Caera asked me but I replied with a shrug because even I don't know.

“Then should we try killing it?" I asked the three. “If we're going to kill it, we'll use the most safe and sure way.” I said conjuring soul fire in my right hand.

“We've been here for like 2 days so why not. Agrona said that we need to get back after two or three weeks. So why not return after this zone." Nico suggested

“In the records, it is said that time in the relictombs varies depending on the zone, so we don't really have any idea how long have passed outside. We can make assumptions though.” Caera explained to us.

“I think it's been at least a week or two outside. I believe it would be good to finish this zone move on to the next one and then return outside. That's my suggestion." Cecilia announced her opinion as I looked towards Caera.

“Caera, even though they said it varies. There should always be a statement or theory about how much most of the zone's time works. Do you know what it is?" I asked her and she replied with a nod.

“Yes, it's written that a day in the relictombs is probably a week outside. Well that's only based on the majority of ascents recorded, some are still different but that is what they think the average time conversion here and outside."

“If that's true then we'll follow Cecilia's suggestion." I said and saw Cecilia chuckling while looking at Nico's defeated face.

Without even a warning I conjured a good amount of soul fire and fired it to the now frozen creature. The ice and metal eventually melted and soon the creature screamed in pain. Hearing this I sighed in relief, thankful that it's working and damaging it. But again I spoke too soon and the decision that I made is soon will be a decision I will regret.


It's been a few hours and the creature melted out of existence because of the soul fire yet we still can't get out of this zone. The four of us are now playing the cards that Nico brought. The cards are inspired by UNO from earth and Nico just made it with metal and claimed it again as his own creation.

The game is about to end with Nico now itching to drop one of the two cards he currently has, but that is about to change. It's now Cecilia's turn, after her is me, then Nico then Caera. But Nico doesn't know that I have a skip and reverse card on my hands right now.

Cecilia threw a 6 red and now it's my turn. I immediately dropped the skip card and Nico's smile disappeared. He looked at me and glared like a madman. The game continued with Caera throwing red 9 and Cecilia throwing 3 red. Nico again is now excited for his 'revenge' but I threw in the reverse card which reversed the direction of the play.

“Grey you mothe-

Nico's cursing was cut off by the weird sound we just heard. The sound is exactly the same as the ones produced by the creature.


3rd person's

Grey, Caera, and Cecilia froze up after seeing the creature standing a few meters away from them. While Nico didn't mind the noise and collected his cards and stored them back in his ring. “What the hell Grey, you said the safe and sure way but that thing is still al- Grey?" Nico said as he saw the three frozen in place.

TBATE - Corrupted BlessingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora