22 : Long Live Dicathen

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“We will now be heading to Xyrus for the official announcement for all of you." I said and all of them nodded.

I entered the teleportation gate and immediately got welcomed by the loud noises and cheers from outside the castle. I looked back to see the Lances get out of the teleportation gate and line up on their respective races.

“Lances! Lances! Lances! Lances! "

The crowds cheering became even louder as the host announced that the Lances had finally arrived.

“Do not fret, you'll get used to it." I said in a calm voice trying to cool them down.

Looking at the corner of the room, I can see sir Aldir sitting on a chair. He looked at me and nodded, indicating that the main event shall now start.

As if he heard me, the host voice amplified by the sound enhancing artifact rang to my ears. " And now for the main and the most awaited part of the show. Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome the Lances!" After that a large amount of claps were heard from outside.

“We will now be welcoming our Lances one by one! Starting with her! A crowd favourite, A woman with an alluring beauty that everyone in the world will kill for just to obtain it! Please welcome! The Elven Lance, Aya Grephin!"

Aya walked out of the room to the triangle platform while waving her hand and smiling at the crowd as the cheers even grew much louder than before.

“Of course since we started with her it's only natural who's the next one! Please welcome our lovely sensory mage! The Elven Lance, Alea Triscan!"

Following Aya is Alea who walked with confidence with her small smile waving to the crowds.

“Next on the list is a guy respected by everyone! A very kind gentleman respected by all the dwarves! Lance Olfred Warend!

“Following him is our cute little Dwarven Lance, Mica Earthborn!"

Olfred just walked normally to the platform while Mica followed him hopping excitedly.

“New Lances, be ready. You'll be called after the human Lances are out." I said to the new Lances and they nodded. The two human Lances walked near the entrance just waiting for their names to be called.

“Next is a man from the highly respected noble family, The house of Wykes! Everyone please welcome Lance Bairon Wykes!"

“Last but not the least, From the house of Aurae, The ice cold lance. Lance Varay Aurae!"

Bairon walked out just like Olfred, simple yet dignified. And Varay walked... How she always walks.

“Lances! Lances! Lances! Lances!...

“Wait!” the loud voice of the host echoed reaching all of Xyrus, making the chants and cheers die down.

“If you think that's all then you're definitely mistaken!" His voice spreads to the crowds as they listen to him carefully.

“Because of the coming attacks of the other Continent. The council decided that our troops are enough to stop the invasion but not enough to stop the war permanently. That is why, the council decided to train certain individuals to make up for our weaknesses resulting in this!”

“Ladies and Gentlemen! Pleaseeeeee welcome! Our new batch of Lance!”
As he finished saying those words he made a pose highlighting the entrance where the lances walked out earlier.

“The newly appointed Elven Lance born from a noble elven house whose only mission is to protect the royal family, now protecting the continent! Lance Edric Springshore! Please welcome him with some claps!"

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