~Chapter 26~

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(My taste buds are dying how do you sweeten tea for the love of god??

Also ik that WeirdMultishipper said health>writing but i got bored and im using the last of my energy to deliver this chapter to yall. Enjoy.)

Will had wondered whether there would ever be a time when Percy would listen to him and take his advice. The unconscious body on the ground in front of him answered that question pretty blatantly.

Will rushed forward, carefully picking Percy up and setting him down on a bed. He frowned as he noted how thin and light Percy was.

After a blood test, it was evident that Percy was severely malnourished and hadn't eaten a good amount of food in a long time. Which, of course, affected his entire body, the malnutrition leading to less vitamins and minerals, which led to the act of living being more and more difficult with the lack of vital things like iron and others, going all the way to blood pressure, threatening Percy's life.

All because he didn't eat.

Will gave a long, suffered sigh as he scribbled some notes in his notepad, the Ancient Greek letters being squashed together in the rush. Will bit his lip in worry before going to the main problem; Percy collapsing.

After more tests and research, Will had found the reason. He temporarily put Percy in a medically induced coma and gave him an IV to patch him up some more as he worked on the main problem.

He was surprised to discover that it had been a panic attack. He had many questions, ones which Percy would have to answer for himself. Will, in the meantime, checked Percy's lungs for damage. He was relieved to find none, but his blood pressure and pulse had become a problem.

Quickly working to lower Percy's blood pressure, Will injected some medicine into Percy's bloodstream, handling the blood problem for now. He grabbed serum for vitamins and minerals and gently poked another needle into Percy's arm, setting it down.

Will sighed and gave a small smile. He sat down after grabbing a cup of water and downing it. He checked his notepad, scribbling down some extra stuff.

After making sure Percy was stable and set, Will headed to his cabin. He sat down on his bed and looked up at Austin.

"Percy's in the infirmary, could you please keep watch? There isn't anything to do, just replace the serum after two hours, and check the IV after a while," Will said tiredly.

"Of course, is there anything else to keep track of?" Austin asked without hesitation.

"Nah. I wrote down some notes on the notepad, you can check those if you want or need to," Will shrugged.

Austin nodded, quickly putting his shoes on and rushing out of the cabin.


It had been 7 hours after that when Austin ran into the cabin and quickly woke Will from his rest.

"He's up, Percy woke up," Austin explained quickly, out of breath.

Will sat up quickly after hearing that, speaking fast.

"Did something happen? Is he stable? Did he do anything?" He questioned worriedly.

Austin shook his head quickly.

"No, nothing happened. He just woke up."

Will nodded, rubbing his eyes and getting up.

"Thanks. You can just go to dinner now, I'll handle the rest," Will dismissed gratefully.

"Should I bring you food?" Austin asked in concern.

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