~Chapter 11~

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(A/N: i know, i know, this is really really short and its only 700 words but i promised a chapter by the end of the week and its 3:56 rn so the week ended nearly four hours ago but i couldnt write since i had to go to my grandmas and stuff, plus my phone still has a virus and restarts unexpectedly, making me lose paragraphs. This is kinda filler, but fluff so i think its good for now. Thanks for reading!! <3)

The following few days went well, with Percy being mildly bored at the amount of attention his boyfriend was giving him. Of course, he'd never admit it, but he actually loved the way that Apollo cared about him.

After he had left Olympus' infirmary, he went directly to his cabin, brainstorming about the prophecy. He thought he was slowly going insane; repeating random lines of the prophecy and pacing in his cabin.

As more time passed, he stopped going out to eat and cut back on sleep. It was nearly nine when he began randomly doodling to relieve himself from some of his anxiety.

With a flash, a handsome God with platinum blond hair stood in the cabin. As Percy was deep in thought, he didn't notice the God standing in the cabin, absent-mindedly scrawling on the edges and corners of his small notebook.

Apollo frowned down at Percy; he looked much thinner than the last time he had saw him, which had been nearly a week and a half ago, making it even more unhealthy. He had bags and dark rings under his eyes, his hair was messier than Apollo had ever seen it, and the cabin was a mess, Percy's stuff sprawled across the floors.

He gave a small sigh, taking Percy out of the trance.

"'Pollo, holy shit, when did you get here?" Percy asked, putting a hand on his chest.

Percy sighed and without waiting for an answer, turned back to the notebook with the prophecy on it, plus some side notes. Apollo moved closer to Percy.



Apollo rolled his eyes.

"May I introduce you to words? They're used to communicate with other beings," Apollo sassed, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Oh, really? Didn't know that, thanks," Percy retorted, his voice copying the same tone of sarcasm as Apollo's.

"Oh wow, you've actually made an improvement! Six words already, now that's a big achievement!" Apollo cheered.

Percy rolled his eyes, neutralizing his expression into an annoyed one but failing miserably as a smirk took over his face.

Apollo returned his gaze to the boy's tired figure.

"When was the last time you slept?" Apollo asked worriedly.

Percy stopped for a second.

"What day is it?" He genuinely asked.

Apollo sighed.

"When was the last time you ate?"

Percy shrugged, causing Apollo to sigh again.

"And how would Poseidon react to this?" Apollo asked, a small smirk taking over his face.

Percy paled, making Apollo bite down a smirk. Percy sighed and looked up, giving his best baby seal eyes.

"Fine, truce. I don't tell Uncle P that you've been sleep deprived and starved, and you have to eat a decent meal and get a good amount of hours of sleep. Plus, Will has to supervise you and drag you to meals and force you to sleep."

Percy considered this for a bit.

"Truce," he called finally, shaking hands with the sun god.

After that, Apollo dragged Percy to the dining pavilion. Percy was hesitant at first, he didn't want the camp to know that they were dating. Percy and dating were topics that always ended up in a rather mixed state, and most of the girls at camp had taken a liking to him.

This was a piece of gossip that would go around camp like a virus.

Getting over his hesitancy, he let Apollo drag him to the tables. They sat down next to each other, and people turned to face them, mutters and whispers spreading out across the entire pavilion. Chiron, who knew about the whole thing, raised and eyebrow and watched amusedly from his seat.

Percy scowled at him, but everybody could see the true smile behind it. Apollo smiled and ruffled his boyfriend's hair.

"Hey!" Percy yelled.

Apollo laughed as Percy finger-combed his hair, trying to flatten it. He gave Percy a small kiss on the cheek, making him blush intensely as he stared hard at his food.

Percy noticed that nobody in the pavilion was paying much attention to them. He gave a happy sigh and turned to his boyfriend. Perhaps he could be happy.

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