Chapter 15: A/N and an apollo-gy

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Hey guys!! It's yours truly here, *insert hair flip* coming with another chapter!! I'm sorry for not posting chapters, it's been a crazy few months with report card day, and summer vacation, my cousins wedding, staying at my grandmas and shit.

Anyway, I had time to write a chapter and I didn't, so I'm sorry for that, but today my goal is two chapter, so a two-in-one will hopefully make up for it.

Also, I'm trying to write fluff, I'm bad at it, but the next chapter will be Apollo×Percy fluff and Poseidon-Percy father-son talking and bonding.

I'm putting off the action for fluff. I've changed, huh.

Anywayyy, besides that, if you care what's going on with my life, I'm now agender and no longer a closeted bisexual, so that's great!!

As I've said before, I'm only on Sea of Monsters, but, I ordered Titans Curse, Battle of Labyrinth, The Last Olympian, PJ and the Greek Gods and PJ and the Greek Heroes, and I have the entire set of Heroes of Olympus!!

The books should arrive in about two months, so in two months, a full out PJO/HoO marathon. YAYY!!

I still have ToA, MGNS CHS, Kane Chronicles, Demigod Diaries, CHB Classified, CJ Classified and spinoffs like that to order, but for now I have ordered nearly every book in the main storyline!!

The bad news is that I probably will put this story off until I have more stuff on Gaea and shit.

But don't forget; more time, better story.

Or smth like that lol.

Anyway, thx for reading, fluff coming up!!<3

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