chapter 4

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"Jim... I'm in love with you." Bella told Jim.

"I know," Jim replied then dressed himself and got up from the bed. Bella gasped as Jim put his button-up, tie, light brown pants, and belt back on. She fell to her knees and sobbed, only wearing her black lacy bra and underwear.

"Do you... not feel the same way?" She asked, practically pleading for an ounce of validation from Jim.

"I'm a very spontaneous guy, Bella," Jim informed her.

"That didn't even answer the question!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, makeup running down her face.

"If I'm honest, I don't really know or care." He spoke, carelessly.

"But, how could you do this to me? I just killed my damn husband for you! I had children!"

"Well, technically you didn't kill your children." Jim did make a valid point there, as per usual. "Besides, I don't have time to worry about some petty middle school love right now. It's the damn zombie apocalypse out there and you're mad because I won't say that I love you?!"

"It's not middle school anymore, Jim! We're adults, I was married! I threw that all away for you!" Bella screamed at him, nearly making the walls shake from how loudly she was speaking. Her heart beat fast, and the adrenaline was giving her more energy.

"I never asked you to do that," Jim spoke wisely and calmly.

"It's the apocalypse. The world is ending. You said it yourself. We might as well love each other before we both die." She said, grabbing Jim's wrist and pulling him back into the room so they could continue arguing.

"I'll see," Jim said and loosened Bella's grip so he could walk away, indirectly declining Bellas's offer to keep shouting at one another.

Jim had started becoming distant and cold quite a long time ago after his 6th wife died in a fire. Jim had blamed himself for it, after all the fire was caused by his previous rival gang trying to get revenge. He thought that this time, it could be different when he made his new gang. He thought since he didn't have a wife, there was no one they could hurt. However, this wasn't because Jim had basic human sympathy, either. He was a psychopath! Jim believed that if someone had a problem with him, they should go after him like a man and not his wife.

Right after Jim had made his way downstairs, he heard a knock on the door. Jim opened the door and grabbed the simray in case he needed it from his pocket and held it tight.

But it was Jack Black!

"Oh, hi Jack Black!" Jim said relieved, throwing the simray across the room, and going in for a hug.

"What's new, bud?" Jack asked, glad to hear a familiar voice.

"Well, if you didn't hear, there's been a zombie apocalypse!" Jim joked, inviting Jack inside. Jim and Jack had been best friends since birth! They were the only ones who understood each other. The pair had known each other for so long now, that they could practically read each other's minds. They were completely comfortable with each other. In fact, they even have kissed before! Most people would call that gay, but Jim and Jack just call it brotherly behavior.

"Hey, uhh... who is that woman crying upstairs, bud?" Jack asked, hearing Bella "Oh, just some chick. You know how it goes, man. They just latch onto me!" Jim explained.

"I get it," Jack said with a smirk on his face and winked. The two of them then burst out in laughter and pat each other on the back.

"So... you wanna join my gang or what?" Jim asked, charmingly.

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