Chapter Two

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Location: Bargain Castle, Isle of the Lost

The makeshift throne room of Bargain Castle was, like the rest of the Isle, damp and dirty. Unlike the rest of the Isle, the throne room had an appearance of darkness lingering in its corners, a darkness that was not natural to the eye of its beholder. Despite her current absence, Maleficent's presence lingered over the room like the sword of Damocles. Over the course of two decades, traces of her dark fae magic had seeped into the very foundation of the walls, polluting the atmosphere of the room to the point it felt as if the shadows were closing in on you. It hung precariously over the heads of visitors, leaving them with a sense of unease. However, the three occupants of the room paid no mind to the unnaturalness of Bargain Castle, having grown used to the boding nature of their friend's home a long time ago.

Cruella de Vil, Queen Regina Grimhilde, and Jafar ibn Yahya were scattered around the room, waiting for Maleficent to return with their children so they could discuss whatever plan Maleficent had thought up this time. Not that they ever listened to such plans. Cruella, crazy as she was, never paid attention to Maleficent's plans, preferring to hold discussions with her fur coat. Grimhilde would make opinionated comments here and there, but she was always more concerned with the girls' education than with making any type of meaningful contribution to the discussions at hand. And Jafar... well, Jafar just seemed to linger on the edge of the room, never participating outside of a "hum" or mumble.

Like he was currently doing now.

The door to the throne room burst open, knocking stray feathers aside as Maleficent prowled across the room towards her throne, snatching up a stray nail file from one of the many tables on her way.

"Mom," Mal protested, stomping through the door after her mother with Evie, Jay, and Carlos not far behind.

Maleficent stepped onto the raised platform in the room and sat down in her rickety former-rocking chair throne, her eyes scanned the room briefly in search of Diaval before landing on her charges once more.

"Mal, my daughter, I don't know why you're making such a big deal of things. My plan is really quite simple." Maleficent mused as she began filing her already-sharp nails. "You will go, you will find the Fairy Godmother, and you will bring me back her magic wand." Maleficent blew on her nails and shrugged, looking at the teenagers. "Easy peasy."

"Hah," Jafar scoffed in the background.

Mal rolled her eyes, nodding in agreement with Jafar's assessment. This might be one of her mother's more insane plots. She turned to her mother, hands on her hips, unimpressed, "What's in it for us?"

Jay could only watch in disbelief as Maleficient shrugged in response. 'I think Auntie Male might have actually gone insane this time.' She thought wearily.

"Matching thrones, hers-and-hers crowns..." Maleficent listed the objects as if they were obvious. Carlos raised a slightly quivering hand.

"I-I think she" He clarified and Mal motioned to herself and her friends.

Maleficent put down her file and sat up straight, her demeanor growing serious. "This is all for us, beasty. Don't you want to make those responsible for putting us here suffer?"

"Well, yeah," Mal stuttered as her mom leaned in closer, "I mean, who doesn't?"

Maleficent slowly grinned, fanged teeth pointing out over her bottom lip as she replied, "Well then get me the wand, and you and I can do all of that and so much more. With that wand, I will be able to force both good and evil to head my will, so that our enemies will know the true meaning of the word power."

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