It was a lengthy walk from the detention center to the bridge but when My'Rell arrived The doors to the bridge slide open as the captain enters a wide open room with large windows lining the walls displaying the cold void of space beyond it and overlooking the rest of the ship from high above the rear end, along with being lined with various monitors, screens that are seated with various personnel occupying their stations. The center of the room housed a large table with a holographic display floating with its space and officers of various species went scrambling back and forth assessing various aspects of the ship.
The second attack happened several days after they arrived in the system, just as My'Rell was going to give the order to send a scout team to the planet's surface below, after all it wasn't every day she and her crew discover a new habitable planet. Might as well see if it had anything of worth, and something of worth it did have. Its people seem capable of "bending" the elements to their will, something never seen before by other life forms. Perhaps she could use people with abilities like that, the Crimson Storm is always looking for new recruits.
"Damage report!" She ordered her second in command as she marched to the holotable.
Her second, commander Shaul, an older bald man the same species as her with purple skin, typed on some keys to the table, summoning a holographic display of the ship, "We suffered moderate damage to our port side engine from torpedoes and were taken offline temporarily. Our shield generator took some damage and has been coming in and off line as well. The crash on the planet's surface didn't help us either as we now have holes all over the hull with the main reactor taking minor damage."
My'Rell took in all the information while maintaining a level head. The damage isn't anything she hasn't seen before, it wasn't even the worst she's experienced. She studied the display noting the left engine flashing bright red along with other portions of the ship, "Positive ID on our attackers?"
He hands her a tablet he had tucked under his arm that displayed a U-shaped fighter. The same ones that attacked them. What caught her attention was the red geometric symbol of a screaming skull with four eye sockets that popped out against the green armored plating of their vessels, one she recognized, "Death's head." She stated with displeasure as she continued to observe the details. Death's head was one of the many mercenary groups the Crimson Storm had to deal with.
"Yes." Her second agreed, "It would seem they have had enough of us stealing their clientele."
"These are just fighters. They wouldn't chase us all the way out here on their own." My'Rell tossed the tablet aside and changed the holographic display of the ship to a map of the solar system.
"Meaning there is a carrier not far behind." Shaul caught on.
"I don't suppose we have an idea of where it is?"
"No ma'am."
"How'd they track us here? Last I checked this system is uncharted."
"Our theory so far is that they followed the signal left behind by our jump point."
"Any sign of Death's head since the attack?"
"No ma'am. Our scanners have been searching for them since we broke atmosphere."
My'Rell massaging the bridge of her nose as if a headache had finally cleared up allowing her to relax a little, "Good. The last thing we need is to be taken by surprise again."
"Indeed." Commander Shaul agreed, "On another matter, some members of the crew have been asking questions about the stowaway incident in hanger three."
"Really now? What have they been asking?"
"Mostly about if her shooting fire from her hands is accurate. Those that saw it are even wondering if you'll recruit her."
"I don't think so." My'Rell answered firmly as she made her way to the captain's chair on a lowered platform near the front of the deck, "As fascinated with Azula's abilities as I may be, she's just a child. We'll get the basics of what this ability of hers is, send her home and based on what Lectro reports about it I may consider scouting for new recruits here."
"The stowaways name, Shaul."
"Ah, I see. Regardless of what you decide I will support you, however some on the crew already seem to be wary of the stowaways ability. Namely Cetro. He has been sending his objections of the matter from the infirmary." The commander pressed a button on the captain's console playing a loud agitated message from the head engineer that caused the captain to wince at its intensity and was almost incomprehensible,"He's quite agitated about his hand being burned."
My'Rell closed the message resting her head in her hand as she sat back, feeling drained already, "When is Cetro not agitated?"
Shaul couldn't help but agree with that statement.
"Tell Cetro not to worry. If we want to recruit a walking talking flamethrower it'll be one I decide on for myself." She began massaging her temples, "I swear I need a break from all of this when we get back to base."
"I'll be sure to schedule a vacation for you." Shaul said as he went back to his station.
For the past seven years since the Crimson Storm's inception it has been close call after close call with the constant attacks from pirates, rivalries with other mercenary groups or potential clients being snuffed out by the overall constant power struggles of the galaxy. The Crimson Storm has always held on by the tips of their fingers with every day being a struggle for survival. Perhaps she can rest her tired eyes for just a moment and regain a little bit of strength.
The sound of sirens cuts through the air stopping everything. My'Rells eyes shooting open with it.
"Enemy ship detected!" A bridge officer announces.
"Incoming torpedoes!" Another officer shouts.
The captain let out a tired sigh, "Never a dull moment." She said under her breath, "Battle station!"

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