Part Two/Chapter Three

Start from the beginning

I agreed, and then asked. "What are you wanting to get?"

"Nothing in particular," she answered. "I just like wandering around, seeing what I can get, y'know? Good inspiration comes from that. To me, at least."

"Yeah, I get that. Wanna get going?" I asked, trying not to think about how high we might be from the ground.

"Sure," Mirai said, and we were on our way.

When we got outside, a small breeze blew in our faces, blowing our hair back. Mirai giggled a bit at the sensation, and we began to walk to the supermarket.

"So why'd you really invite me out like this?" I asked knowingly.

"...You catch on quick, don't you. You really are smart, you know?" she asked.

"Nah... More like... I'm just lucky sometimes." I admitted.

"How so?" she asked.

"... I just... I'm really not smart, I just watch a lot of T.V. shows, and it's obvious what might happen when two people are out on their own. Especially in a situation like this." I explained.

"...Ehehe...I just realized," Mirai giggled. "Sachi is a way to say good luck, isn't it?"

"...Yeah... I guess you're right. Maybe that's why I feel lucky, ahaha..." I laughed awkwardly.

"...So... What do you think is going to happen?" she asked.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I mean... You said it was obvious what was going to happen. So what do you think is going to happen, hm?" she asked, looking at me as we continued to walk to the supermarket. We were almost there.

"... You wanna talk to me about what was happening, right? Why I was acting that way?" I assumed.

"Yeah... It just... It hurts a lot whenever I see you like that... And it's happened so many times now... When you found the rope in your room, the height of the hotel, when... we found Shikumo... When you yelled at Izumi, and right after we had left you when you woke up. You've been... so sad. I can't help but feel bad, not doing anything." She raised her hand and looked down at it in a sad way. She then gripped it and looked at me again. "I wanna know why you were acting like that, so I can help."

"...Mirai... Thank you, really. But... I'd just... rather not revisit it. It was... a really bad part of my life, and I just... I'm not comfortable talking about it, especially right after what all happened, yesterday and today." I gave her a sad smile. "So thank you for worrying, but I'd just rather not talk about it now."

"... That's understandable. I only want you to be happy, so I thought I'd see if there was anything to do. So I'll ask again. Is there anything I can do to help you out?" she lightly touched my back, as if to comfort me. I tensed a bit, not all that used to the random touches from her.

"Just... I know this may sound stupid, but... Please continue to be my friend." I admitted. "I know it probably sounds cheesy, but I haven't... had a friend in a while, so this is a nice change of pace."

"Of course. I'll never leave, okay?" she reassured me with a smile. She patted my back once more, and her hand left my body.

"We're here." I told her as I stopped in front of the supermarket.

"So we are." she let out a sigh. "Well... Hopefully this won't take too long."

"Is there something else you need to do today?" I asked, curious.

"Hm? Oh, yeah. I was planning on seeing if I could take a nap today. I could definitely use one." she said.

"Understandable... And relatable." I said.

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