Part 1/Chapter 18

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The room stayed still, and all was quiet. No one moved, no one spoke.

...Until Izumi broke the silence. "Ha! So I guess you really are decent... Nice job, Sachi." she applauded. Coming from her, I wasn't to sure whether or not it was a compliment.

"Aoi... Why did you do this..?" I heard Mirai ask. "Why did you kill Shikumo..?!"

Aoi quickly spoke up. "I-I told you..! Izumi manipulated me-"

"But you know that it wasn't just me," Izumi interrupted. "You know that part of it was just because you wanted out on your own."

"Excuse me... If you don't mind me asking, what do you mean by that, Izumi?" Mars asked. Marje cocked his head.

"...Well... I think it's best if Aoi explains this to you, no?" Izumi looked at Aoi.

Aoi seemed hesitant, but nodded. "I just... Well... There's this girl and-"

"Woah, gay much?" Ishibuko asked jokingly.

"...Please let her finish without interrupting." Aiko said. Ishibuko didn't do anything in response.

"... There was this girl that I met in middle school... her name was Kali. But she was always being constantly bullied, and I was her only friend back then. I was the only one that could stand up for her..." she took a deep breath. "...I wanted to help her when she got hurt... so I became a nurse so I could help her with her wounds or if she felt sick. And I just... I know that without me, life would be a living hell for Kali. So I wanted to get back to her... I wanted to go back to helping her, like I always did..!" at this point, Aoi was sobbing. She tried her best to wipe away the tears and sniff the snot coming from her nose, but it was no use.

I wanted to look away. It made me feel guilty, watching her cry like this. I started to feel a wave of emotions swell up inside me. My body began to shake. I'm so, so sorry...

"Ah!" Monokuma had suddenly said in his annoying voice. "Are you guys ready to proceed then?"

"Proceed? Proceed with what?" Haru asked.

"With the voting, obviously! Damn, you kids sure do forget about this all pretty quickly, don't ya'?" he clarified.

"Wait! No, no, no..! I-I swear, I had my reasons! I just wanted to see Kali again! Please, don't do this!" Aoi cried.

"Well, yeah, that was the point!" Monokuma shouted. "But you got caught, so it's time for the voting time to start! Everyone, please go to your e-Handbook and click on th button that says "Voting Time"!"

Not wanting to disobey Monokuma's orders, I hesitantly grabbed my e-Handbook out of my pocket. I clicked on the said button, and it brought me to another screen with small, pixelated versions of all of us.

"Please pick the person that you believe to be the guilty! Remember, majority vote wins!" Monokuma instructed.

"No, you guys! Please, don't! ...I'm sorry..! P-Please... no..." her voice began to die down, as it was being enveloped by sobs once again.

I went ahead and slowly clicked on Aoi's picture. After a bit, Monokuma then announced, "Alrighty! Looks like the votes are in!" he took a deep breath. "Ha! You guys were correct! The blackened in this case was indeed Aoi Lunwike, the Ultimate Nurse!"

"No! No! Why did you guys-!"

"Because we had no choice didn't we?" Amy said quietly.

"It was either you or us. One person, or the fourteen of us." Allie said.

"Don't get me wrong, it's not like we wanted to do this..." Chidori said. "But it's like what Allie said..."

"No! Why..! Now I'm... I'm going to die because of you all!" Aoi screamed.

"Yadda, yadda, boo hoo this, boo hoo that. Let's just get on with it already!" Monokuma mocked. Suddenly, from behind his back, he pulled out a small hammer, and right in front of him, a small pillar began to rise, complete with a large, shiny, red button on top. Holding the hammer high in the air, he yelled, "IIIIIIT'S PUNISHMENT TIME!!!" and with a sickening thud, the hammer smashed down onto the button, pressing it.

"No..! No! NO!" Aoi chanted. Just as she was, though, a shadow seemed to come up behind her. Before any of us knew it, there was a metal chain around her neck. She looked at us all in silence for a moment, until the chain finally yanked her backwards, sweeping the feet up from under her and pulling her through the air.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" she screamed.

No. No, no, no..! "Aoi!" I found myself shouting, and I tried leaping for her, but it was too late. She was too far gone.

As she was pulled farther back, she found herself in a doorway. Once she was through it, it slammed shut, right in front of her face.

We all gasped, and a few seconds later, a TV in the room turned on. On it displayed Aoi, who was breaking down in tears. She seemed to be strapped to a table by lots of metal latches. She sobbed and cried, and her eyes were puffy and red.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise, one resembling a chainsaw. The camera view then changed, and we could see a side view. There lay Aoi, looking petrified as she stared upwards. I followed her gaze and soon saw a round, spiky, not to mention sharp balde spinning round and round like a heel on a car. It was just above her. Aoi tried to move, to get away, but couldn't. It was no use.

The blade slowly started to move downwards. It moved to the side, over to her right arm. It then came down onto it, and started to cut it in half. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" Aoi screamed in pain. Soon, her whole arm had been mutilated. The same process repeated on her other limbs, as well, until she was just a stomach, chest, and head. Her open cuts were gushing blood, too much to be normal.

Aoi's breath became ragged, and she kept screeching. Soon, the blade returned to its previous position. Then, it started to -even slower this time- come down onto her midsection. As soon as it made inpact, pink blood spewed everywhere. "AAAAAAAHHH-" she started to scream, but as the blade went further into her skin, the more it dug into her intestines and heart. "ACK-" she suddenly spit out blood from her mouth. The camera zoomed in towards her face. Her mouth and lips were covered with blood, and her eyes were clouded over.

She was dead.

As the camera zoomed out again, you could see the saw in the middle of turning about ninety degrees and moving to the side. When it stopped, I had realized its positioning. Right above her neck. Then, once again, in its slow manner, the blade began to come down. When it came into contact with her neck, the same thing happened, and lots of blood came flowing out. Her body started to twitch, despite the fact that she was already gone.

When the blade had cut all the way through, Aoi's head feel onto the floor, and it landed with a very sick and echo-like THUD.

The TV then shut off. I felt like I was going to puke. What... Did we all just witness..? I asked myself. What the heck..?!

No one seemed to do anything. We just stood in silence, having nothing to say.

Aoi... I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry...

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