On the road

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"Where did this scratch come from?" I stroke a finger over the irritated skin on iris' shoulder that was not damaged before she left the house.
"Oh that, there may have been a little fight at the Evan's house" the vague information only makes me more intrigued. "Oh" she hums, passing me both of our overnight bags that I shove into my trunk. "Who with?"
"Me, Kim and Mal" my eyebrows furrow as I slam the metal down. "Kim was in a fight?"

"Oh yeah Mal might of started it but Kim got right into it" it's always the quiet ones.
"Are you hurt anywhere else?" I take her hands in mine, scanning her frame for any other lumps or bumps. "Nah it wasn't a proper fight, more like kittens realising they have claws for the first time, they don't know how to use them" I chuckle bringing her closer to stand between my legs while I lean against my car.

"So you've just had a physical fight and you're all still going to this exhibit tonight?" She nods like that's obvious and I'm just baffled.
"Of course it's important to Kim and besides we have these arguments monthly, you'll get used to it" I don't think I'll ever understand girl friendships. "Monthly?"
"Yeah it's like a detox, we get out everything that's been bothering us" I'm sure she can tell by my face that I'm still completely confused.

"Just think of it this way, we don't always like each other but we always love each other" my mind is still jumbled but I just accept that it's something I'll never comprehend.

Iris smiles warmly before her hands start to fiddle with the many rings decorating her fingers.
"You don't-" she sighs clearly wanting to say something but hesitating. "I don't what?"
"You don't look at me any differently now right? After last night" her eyes refuse to meet mine, instead she locks them onto her rings like she's hiding from my gaze.

"You're still my Moore, baby. My girlfriend, the girl I love. Nothing will change that, especially not your past" taking her hands in mine I wait for her to finally look up. "Are you sure?"
"Never been more so in my life" she rolls her eyes but leans into me for a hug that allows me to rest my chin on top of her head.

"So where is the tiny fighter?" She chuckles,
"Around here somewh-"
"Boo!" Kim jumps in front of us with a bashful grin. "Did I scare you?" She asks with hope.
"Oh yeah it was terrifying" I indulge in her antics while Iris shifts in my arms to face her friend.
"Have you got everything?"
"Pyjamas? Snacks? Toiletries?" Iris lists off a checklist like a mom while Kim nods along.

"All packed and ready" Iris seems unconvinced but hums. "Let's get going then" I take this as my cue to stand up and spin us around so I'm ahead of her and can, like a dutiful boyfriend, open her car door. "Thanks newbie" Iris climbs in and I shut the door before opening Kim's too.
"Oh thank you" she blushes and I chuckle before rounding the car to get in myself.

"Have you got your phone Kim?"
"Oh Biscuits! That's what I forgot" Iris relaxes into her seat with a smirk. She loves to be right and she always seems to be.
"How did you know?"
"Kim is a creature of habit, she always forgets one thing" I smile, turning the car on and driving down to the Evan's house where Kim ran off to grab her phone from.

"Looks like they are already arguing" Iris comments as we park up on the curb to watch Malcolm and Mal fighting over the front seat. A back door is suddenly flung open and Kim slides in with a huff. "Quick go before they see us" I jump at the hurried command but start the car anyway. However, before we can make our get away the other back door opens and we all turn to the new passenger.

"Drive" Jake orders with an irritated tone.
"Wait for me" Mal dives into the car and suddenly the spacious vehicle is cramped with uninvited guests. Though I don't mind, I can't say the same for Kim whose jaw is nearly hanging off. "Don't you dare leave me with him!" Aidan yells from beside Malcolm who pouts at us all.

Falling for the unloveable Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora