Part Six

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"What about this one?" Mike held up a sparkly cocktail dress for Aidan's inspection as he was changing into a pair of low-slung, dark gray cargo pants and a form fitting black t-shirt.

"You know it's a cookout in his backyard. I love that dress on you but you should go with something like your red sundress and flat sandals."

Mike pouted a moment before returning the dress to her closet. "This is our CEO's house. I just want to make a good impression. It's the first time I get to attend a work gathering." She eyed his outfit. "Can't you put on a pair of dress pants and a button down?"

Aidan sighed heavily and buckled his belt with a determined finality. "I can't. No. I get you want to look nice but I saw what he's preparing. Trust me. I think he's planning on wearing shorts so even this is kind of overdressed. Wear the red dress. You're stunning in it and you won't be hot."

Mike huffed. "Fine. But I'm throwing you under the bus when everyone else is wearing something nice."

Aidan slipped his arms around Mike's waist and pulled her back into his chest. "You don't usually stress about your image like this, is everything going all right at work?"

Mike covered his hands with her own and leaned in. "You're right. I just feel insecure when the other women at work walk around all day looking like they're going clubbing. I think it's tacky and obvious as hell but it's still hard on the ego when I'm wearing something I can crawl around laying cable in."

He kissed the side of her head. "You're so beautiful you'd outshine everyone even if you were wearing a burlap sack. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

"Thanks babe. You always know what to say. You're sure about the dress?"

"Positive." Aidan pulled the scarlet dress with a bold white and yellow daisy pattern out of the closet. "Do you need me to zip you?"

"Yes, please."

The rest of their preparations went much the same way. Mike worried and sniped, Aidan soothed and reassured. A thought that she was acting like she was nervous for a first date came to his mind unbidden. He allowed himself to begin suspecting that her admiration for Jake went further than simply admiration for an industry innovator. He couldn't blame her for the crush, however. His own cock tended to perk up around the man and he had to keep reminding himself that he was in a happy relationship and not free to be anything but a pal to Jake. He only hoped she'd remember the same but found himself not overly bothered at the prospect she didn't.

They arrived when the party was in full swing. Mike was immediately pulled away by another engineer to discuss a vulnerability they'd found the day before. Aidan was at a loss for what to do besides standing around awkwardly when he spotted Sara at the grill and decided to ask her if she could use an extra hand.

"Hey, Sara. Need help with anything?"

She flipped the last steak she was cooking and turned, spatula in hand. "I've got it under control, thanks. But you're a guest anyway. Why aren't you finding a drink and making all the single women jealous that you're Michelle's boy toy?"

Aidan smirked. "What I hear is you think I'm hot."

Sara lightly swatted him with the flat of the spatula. "Dude, you look like Chris Hemsworth's hotter brother. I'm gay, not blind."

"Haha, that's the first time anyone's told me something like that. Anyway, she's discussing business with another engineer. I don't have it in me to stand in the hot sun and look interested. She'll come find me when she's done."

Sara reached down into a cooler next to the grill and pulled out two icy seltzer waters. She touched one to the side of Aidan's neck before handing it to him and cracking her own. "Point her out. I'm curious to see the rising star."

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