Part Five

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Sara left very specific instructions for Jake to buy supplies at a local membership warehouse. Since Aidan also held a card there he grabbed his own cart so he wouldn't have to make an extra trip after unloading back at Jake's.

They wandered through the vast store looking at various offerings. Jake noticed a stack of one of the early books in Aidan's most popular series and picked one up. "Oh, I love this author! This is a good price. I think I'm going to grab a fresh copy. Mine's paperback and getting a little dog eared."

Aidan schooled his face into a neutral expression. "I haven't checked out anything he's published."

"You haven't? What kinds of things do you read?"

Aidan laughed. "I tend to stick to the classics or graphic novels. Occasionally stereotypical werewolf stories on free reading apps."

Jake considered. "If you ever want to branch out I can totally recommend him. He does sci-fi reminiscent of Asimov. I like his terse writing style that makes you think of old Hollywood film noir."

Aidan shrugged, carefully casual. "I'll remember that. I do like Asimov."

"You're welcome to borrow mine anytime. Or, better yet, let me gift you one of his completed series. I think he's still working on this one."

Aidan knew he was still working on the series. He was fifty pages in on the penultimate book in the character arc. "Don't waste your money on me. If you send me a recommendation I can look next time I'm at the bookstore."

Jake's face took on a private little smile at Aidan's casual refusal to take even such a small gift. So many people wanted him for money or clout and one of the things he liked about the man he was so drawn to was the impression Aidan gave of being entirely uninterested in such shallow things. "Well, the offer of a loan stands regardless." He tossed the book into his cart and they moved on to checking out seasonal items.

Jake's next stop was at an endcap display of brightly painted chip and dip sets and inflatable kiddie pools. He let out a high pitched squeal Aidan would never have imagined Jake's vocal cords capable of had he not been standing right there to hear it. "Oooh! I have the best idea! It's supposed to be hot later today and I was already planning on opening the kitchen to the backyard. What if I set up these little pools for people to soak their feet in and cool off? And then have the platters out here and there so there isn't a log jam at a big bowl inside?"

Aidan tried to imagine the pools scattered around Jake's terraced back yard. "What would you do with them after?"

"Sara knows a caterer who's always looking for equipment for events. I'm sure they could use the platters. As for the pools, encourage people who have big dogs or little kids to take them home?"

"That could work. Go for it."

They loaded up a dozen trays and several kiddie pools. There were only about fifteen people working out of the offices but Jake reasoned that if he was going to give them to Sara's acquaintance there should be enough to be useful in their business.

Aidan firmly steered Jake towards the grocery section after watching him toss dozens of retro handheld electronic games in his cart for party favors alongside about a thousand dollars worth of fireworks for after dark.

Once they were standing in line, both carts piled with their purchases Jake turned to Aidan with a sheepish grin. "You can see why I needed a babysitter this morning."

Aidan eyed Jake's goodies. "Yeah. I didn't expect you to go wild like that."

"I'm normally sensible but something in me just can't resist those huge displays of everything you never knew you wanted."

"Well, any time you need a leash I'm available. I'll do a better job of holding you back next time now I know."

Jake couldn't resist taking Aidan's hand and interlacing their fingers. Aidan found the gesture oddly intimate but considering they'd basically cuddled for more than an hour the previous time they met he dismissed it as Jake's physically demonstrative nature. "I'm glad you are already planning a next time. I enjoy the time we spend together."

Aidan gave Jake's hand a little squeeze. "Me too. I feel like we've been buddies forever instead of this being the second time we've met."

Jake dropped Aidan's hand abruptly. "Speaking of buddies. A client gave me a couple tickets to the Sox game next week. Interested?"

Aidan's fingers tingled with a sense of loss, missing the feeling of Jake's warm, slightly rough fingers intertwined with his own. "That would actually be perfect. You already know Mike's off next week... she's flying home. Her brother's wife just had a baby and she wants to meet her new nephew. I'll be rattling around by myself."

"If you get lonely you're more than welcome to come over to my place now that you know where it is."

When they returned to Jake's house Aidan helped unpack groceries for Sara and blow up pools before he headed home to process his own haul.

Always an Expiration DateDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora