Chapter 13 The basics

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At the time that everything is settling down. It is pretty clear that there some issues that need to be worked out still however, when Nicole soon realized that there is going to be some progress.As it is very clear that there is going to be some work done as the next thing that happen is is that the appear to be sounds of disturbance.So then it is a clear sign that there's gonna be some changes to help with this whole situation, so that it won't happen again.

When Nicole finished up some work there is going to be some boundaries as apparently when it dealing with things, such as taking care of a baby.Gregory is very adventurous, to say the least, as he was curious about everything so he is always willing to explore everywhere with curiosity and determination.

So he is always looking for something to do as it is very clear that he is adventurous after all so Nicole had to do some training and decided to start with the basics after all.As soon as he is already asleep, it became time to do some training, but first is starting with the basics.So that things can become easier to handle as Nicole already put in some basic programming and protocols.

But it was best to do some training to be safe than sorry.So that when it became time to do some basic training, Nicole wasted no time into doing some exercises.Only when Gregory is asleep, it would be time to do some training on the basics of taking care of a baby to make sure that there wouldn't be any accidents.

"Alright then so it's time to do some training. I already know I added in some programs and protocols for this but it's best to be safe in this situation. So the first thing is is the basics that's what's going to start first, then moving onto the rest."

Then there is a sound of bells as the solar attendant listened as the lunar attendant is also listening within the systems as well.There is some lessons that are learned even though there are basic protocols and programming in the systems, but Nicole reveal that things can get a little bit chaotic.

As it is a very complicated process as it is very hard to know what is gonna happen next as it is very clear, after sometime had passed.That is until there a sound that is coming from the other room that is belongs to Gregory as there is a sound coming from the other room.As Nicole had to go and figure out what it is.

Leaving the soon to be attendant of the Superstar daycare as the sounds of bells came into the room as the door opened.As the room is nursery like to say the least, considering how there was a baby there as there is a baby crib, some shelves and cupboards. Including some plushy's, as well as everything else there as well for a nursery.Inside of the crib there is a baby that is very much awake as there is a sound coming from the baby.

It is clear that Gregory wants something but it is unclear what it is that he wants as the sounds of bells seem to make him stop making that sound.He then starts to look around to find where the sound is coming from because he wants to hear it some more.

As then he soon starts to get a better view of the sound as it became a lot more louder.But it didn't hurt his ears in anyway he just enjoyed the sound.Then the solar attendant soon picked him up as the lunar attendant watched everything from within the systems.

As Gregory is just excited to be held as a strange feeling went throughout the systems of the attendant. It was quite strange.It felt unusual, and something that was not programmed in, but it felt nice, warm and fuzzy. It was quite a strange feeling, but it was enjoyable to have.

("What is this feeling? It feels so unusual. It's not recognizable to say the least, but it feels nice to have. Do you share this feeling to Mooney?")

("I do. It is a feeling unlike any other. It's something unrecognizable, but it feels nice to have. It's an incredible feeling to have Sunny. It's so incredible.")

As then after some time had passed Gregory soon became very tired as it was time for him to go to sleep since he is still a baby after all.So it is only natural that he was refusing to go to sleep so there is only one option left.Then as now it's time for the lights to go out as the sounds of bells soon went to where the lights are soon without any hesitation the lights are off.Then everything in the nursery is pitch, black, except for soft, green lights, illuminating from somewhere.

As then something incredible began to happen as the colours for playtime attendant began to change from the yellow and red striped pants into blue with yellow stars.As the colours on the playtime, attendant, changes as well from the different shades of yellow into white and blue then the head began to change as then the the colours soon changed as one part of the face that was outlined became white.

The other part of the face became black as the rays soon vanished, and in the place was a nightcap with blue and the same yellow star pattern, as well as a bell at the end of it.Gregory looked to see a pair of soft, gentle, mellow, yellow eyes, staring back at him as then a soft, silky, smooth, gentle, relaxing voice spoke to him.

"Now then...... let's get you to sleep, because baby your age must sleep to be healthy.So considering the fact that you're also stubborn, perhaps a lullaby will help you."

("Oh yea. A lullaby will work on him for sure.")

Then Gregory listened as a gentle, soft melody that's came from seamlessly out of nowhere, at least to him played throughout the nursery.His eyes soon became heavy as he was trying to fight it off, but was failing then he felt his body relaxing, even further, as he was no longer struggling.

Gregory also felt his heartbeat, becoming relaxed as well, even though he was just a baby, he could still feel the things happening to his body.Soon he couldn't fight it off anymore as he closed his eyes and gave him to the temptation of sleep, as he had a peaceful sleep, that he was supposed to have at his age.

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