28. friendly sparring

Start from the beginning

Oh. Actually... what about him? From what I saw during the Battle Trial, he was super strong. He might even be the strongest guy in our class.

Telling yourself that you had nothing to lose, you approached the desk of the boy in question.

"Hi there," you beamed. "Shouto, right? I hope you're having a good day so far. Anyways, this might seem a bit random, but I was wondering if you wanted to spar with me. You seem strong, and I think I could use the practice."

Shouto reacted the same way he always did whenever you spoke to him-by furrowing his brows and giving you a confused, even mildly frustrated look.

"Why are you using my first name?" he asked. "We hardly know each other."

"Oh," you blinked. "My bad. I think your name sounds nice. I prefer it over your family name. Does it bother you?"

He shrugged. "Not really. Just that most people wouldn't normally speak so casually towards others. But I guess you're not worried about coming across as rude."

"I won't deny it," you grinned.

You'd expected that he would carry on with the conversation, or at the very least grace you with a response, since you had asked him a question.

But no, he didn't do any of that. He just stared at you in silence for a few moments longer, then, once he'd seemingly lost interest, turned away and proceeded to act like you weren't even there.

To be honest, it kind of irked you. Being snubbed wasn't a pleasant feeling. You actually preferred being yelled at by Katsuki compared to this.

"Um," you frowned. "Sorry for coming up to you so suddenly, but... do you have anything to say? About what I just suggested?"

Shouto spared you a lackluster glance. "What?"

"My question. I asked you a question."

"Oh. I figured my silence was already enough of an answer."

You let out a heavy sigh, not bothering to hide your disappointment. "Aw, man. This sucks. Why does no one want to fight me? Everyone already seems to be focused on training in their own way... so I hoped at least someone might give me an honest chance. And like I said before, you seem strong, so that'll make the experience that much more worthwhile."

"I'm not interested in wasting my time training with someone else, especially if they'll only slow me down," Shouto dismissed coldly. "If you've got the time to run around pestering people, I guess you must feel pretty confident in yourself."

Um, okay, wow. Rude.

You mashed your teeth together, not taking too kindly to his tone. You weren't sure if he was trying to be condescending or if it was completely unintentional, but either way, you weren't fooling around, like he seemed to think. You were taking things seriously for a change. Through a series of harrowing events, a lot of things had recently been put into perspective. Back in your old world, you were used to being one of the strongest, but the situation here was different.

Here, there were plenty of other people who were powerful, and you were determined to stand in the same ring as them.

"I'm just trying to improve, the same way everyone else is," you frowned. "I never said I was overly confident."

Shouto blinked lethargically, almost as though talking to you was a tiresome ordeal. "Okay," he said with little to no enthusiasm, then once again, turned away and pretended like you didn't exist.

For someone such as yourself, who could admittedly be quite chaotic and had a tendency to go at full throttle, dealing with people like him was no easy feat. Your personalities were just so different. You used to think that you and Katsuki clashed, but Shouto was giving the hotheaded blonde a run for his money.

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