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Rosalie's thoughts were racing a hundred miles an hour as she looks at Daria walking away. Everything she ever thought about with Daria passed before her eyes in only a second and she can't help but grab Daria's hand. The latter stops and glances at the gesture before looking at Rosalie with questioning eyes.

"I really didn't mean it like that." Her voice soft once again, knowing that her family could hear her.

"Then explain it to me." Daria pulls back her hand and crosses her arms as she impatiently looks at the fumbling blonde before her.

"It wasnt an attack." Rosalie softly says. "I really didn't mean it like that and I wasn't thinking about your family, I'm really sorry about that. I was thinking about-.." she couldn't tell her just yet.

"About what?"

"Carlisle and Esme." Daria frowns and takes a step back. She didn't really like either of them at the moment and she felt like she was friends with Rosalie one minute and the next it was gone.

"What about them?" The hatred not going unnoticed by Rosalie.

"Carlisle doesn't have to worry about Esme, Esme doesn't have to worry about Carlisle. Yet they still do, that's what love is." Rosalie tries to explain. "They don't grow old together, but they will be together forever. Do you know how sure you have to be of that kind of love to give your heart like that to someone. I think that that is living." Rosalie could feel the rush from her own words and she knew that she had made an impact.

"Have you ever had that?" Daria asks with a frown.

"Do you see someone by my side?" Rosalie chuckles and Daria's lips move up just a little, enough to make Rosalie happy and know that she will get through this. They will get through this.

"It's not a yes or a no."

"It's not as simple as a yes or no answer." Rosalie says once more and Daria starts to laugh.

"Maybe we should make up a version of twenty one questions so I can actually get some answers." Rosalie smiles at her.

"Please, do invent it. I'll be the first to join you." Daria wraps an arm around Rosalie and pulls her towards the house.

"I'll figure out some rules during chess. However," she pulls Rosalie a little closer and points a finger towards her face. "There are only yes or no answers that time." Rosalie chuckles.

"Anything to honor the game."


Daria didn't know how she had done it, but she actually had invented some sort of game for her to actually get answers WHILE also playing chess. She wondered what more she could possibly do but she knew that she would be helped by Rose and Irina.

"It's called D-day questions." The people around her raise eyebrows but Daria just shrugs. "It felt the most appropriate to me." She mutters softly.

She felt the frustration of her using that name for a game where she could ask questions but all of them - Carlisle, Eleazar, Esme, Carmen, Irina, Emmett, Jasper, Alice, Rosalie - did not understand what she felt like. It felt like D-day for her when she found out. Like she stood in front of a threshold that wasn't hers, like she was about to die even if she just had.

"How do we play it?" Irina asks as she slaps her thighs, stands up and walks over to Daria and scans the paper.

"It's really simple, really," Daria says as she looks around. "I ask questions and you give me a simple yes or no answer." Daria smirks as she looks at Rosalie who chuckles softly. "Maybe you could even join in with the questions."

Emmett nods enthusiastically. "Ask away."

"Jasper is the newest?" They all nod a little. And Daria frowns. She had thousands of questions but the fact that they only could say yes or no was holding her back.

"The only way to change is through a bite?" Another round of murmers is heard.

"Only human blood or animal blood?" A few heads nod and Daria purses her lips.

"What more could there be?" She mutters. "Werewolves?"

"Yes." Jasper replies and Daria's eyes widen.

"There will be lot of questions about that but I think there will need to be longer answers for that." She breathes.


"To be discussed, but yes." Carlisle replies and Daria could feel the anger surging through her at his voice.


Emmett's face lights up. "That would've been awesome."

"Okay," Daria breathes. "The one thing that I wanted to believe for my brother."

"Your brother believed in zombies?" Daria's eyes snap towards Carlisle.

"No, you don't get the right to talk to me about my brother. Or my parents for that matter." Carlisle purses his lips but nods nonetheless as he understood where Daria was coming from. Anger starts to fill her as she looks at him and she can't help but scream loudly.

The others grab their ears, their inhuman senses making the scream be heard even louder than Daria had intended it to be and she quickly shuts her mouth, a hand wavering in front of it.

"Sorry." She mutters before turning around and running out of the house.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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