I stared at him with a blank face while stared at me with a big grin. I blink.

"What do you want?" I ask with a cold voice. His grin faltered slightly. My face then broke into a big smile as I stared at my brother who looked so cute. How can I be cold to someone like him?

His grin grew big again when he saw me smiling. Then he pulled me, embracing me with his familiar calming cologne.

I suddenly felt something wet on my shoulder and pulled away from his and stared at his tear filled eyes some tears already falling down.

"Why are you crying?" I asked confused.

"It's just that, I've always wanted a mother. And now that I found out that I have one... I don't know." He said looking down.

I smile sadly as I teared up a little. I lunched myself on him and pulled him into a tight hug. He put his head on my chest as he sobbed.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. I ran my hand through his hair and whispered sweet nothings into his ears letting him let it all out.

Ross has always been the softest out of me and Ari. Even though his softer than us, don't take that as an advantage because he can be as deadly as the two of us. But his more sensitive and more nicer than us.

That's what I've always admired about him. I never wanted him to change. I just wanted my brothers to be safe.

I let a few tears fall.

A few minutes later we both pull away and we wipe our tears. We look up at each other making eye contact then burst out laughing.

"What are you two laughing about?" Val asked as he and some of the others walked into the kitchen.

That just made the two of us laugh more. I don't even know what we're laughing about.

We soon sober up before looking up at the others. I saw Ari looking at a daze but snapped out of it as soon as he saw me staring and turned around not daring to look into my eyes.

I felt my heart clench a bit and averted my eyes on the ground.

"Talk to him." Ross whispered into my ear before standing up and left with Val and the others as they started a conversation, leaving me and Ari alone.

The air was still tense after yesterday and I think I owe them all an explanation.

"Can we talk?" I said as I stopped in front of Ari. He didn't say anything and I really didn't expect anything.

"I'm sorry." I started. "I was wrong for keeping away the truth that our mother was still alive. I know I shouldn't have kept such a thing from you and I really am sorry, Ari." I apologised.

It went quiet as usual just stood there shifting a bit because of the awkwardness. He still hasn't said anything and I feel more guilty about it.

"Say something." I said, looking up at him as I made him look into my teary eyes and my hands held his both side of his face.

He pushed my hands away and gave me a cold glare. "Say what, that you were a dick for keeping that information from us? Even if you didn't know that she was alive, you could've still told us about her." He scoffed.

"Tell me is there any other things you're hiding from me and Ross. Cause I sure as damn know you haven't told us everything."

I looked into his eyes and saw rage but if you looked closer you could see the hurt and pain in them. He just is too good for others to see it.

"What do you want to know?" I ask giving in knowing that I couldn't stop him from knowing my past. The things I've tried to hide from both of them.

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