But before I could answer that, all my friends came in except Manik and greeted everyone. Mom asked them to join us but they refused politely saying that they had already had breakfast.

Then they asked me and Raj to come with them, I looked at them and they looked expressionless. So I looked at Raj and he shrugged. Raj and I excused ourselves and went to my room followed by 4 of them.

The moment they all entered the room,  Viren closed the door and they started glaring at me.

" So? Since when was this going on? " Sujal asked raising one of his eyebrows.

" What are you talking about? " I asked.

" Don't act like that and irritate us even more, you know what he is talking about. How can you not tell us that you were in love with Mahi? Now start telling us everything before we beat you. " Shaurya said.

" Hey, stop it!! Only Manik can beat me as per the tradition and he has already punched me. "  I said.

" For how long you both have been involved with each other? Raj, even you didn't tell us? " Shlok asked.

" I got to know very recently when I saw their banters. I realized how was he looking at her. I was so engrossed in the thoughts of Myra that I never realized that he was in love as well. " He said glaring at me and later looked embarrassed.

" I didn't tell anyone as it was a bit complicated... "  I said.

" You better come out with answers without beating around the bush. How dare you get married without inviting us? I swear, we all thought of calling you last night, one by one,  till dawn and not let you have your wedding night. But then we thought of Mahi and let it be. We saw Myra's reaction to it that day, we didn't want Mahi to curse us as well. " Viren said.

" Forget inviting, he didn't even bother to tell us that he was going to get married. How could you do that? We should actually have kept calling you last night. " Sujal said glaring at me.

" But by the way, your room doesn't look any different at all. You had your wedding night here? Raj, why didn't you get it decorated?? " Shlok asked.

" Okay, fine!! Listen, I didn't invite all of you to my wedding, as there was no wedding."  I said.

" What?? " They all asked with a confused look on their faces.

"  What nonsense!! " Shaurya and Viren said together.  Raj nodded.

" But, Megha Aunty announced it at the party. " Sujal asked.

" I told you, it is complicated. Believe me, we aren't married yet." I said and they looked at Raj and he nodded.

" What the hell is going on in your life?"  Shaurya asked.

" Calm down!! I will tell you... " I was saying when my phone started ringing.

I took it out and saw Manik calling me.

" Manik is calling... Wait! He is supposed to come for pag phera. " I said.

" Pag phera without getting married?? " Sujal asked looking confused. Raj started explaining while I picked up the call.

" Hey, brother-in-law, coming to get your sis... Come over, everyone is here."  I asked.

" Ron, please get Mahi here, immediately... " He sounded tensed.

" What happened?? You were supposed to come and get her as per tradi... "

" Chachu is not well. Mihir went to his room in the morning and found him lying on the floor."  He said.

"What??? How? When? " I was shocked to hear that and I almost yelled. Everyone stopped talking and looked at me.

" He must have collapsed some time. Mihir has called Vikram uncle and Vihan. Come soon." Manik explained.

" Coming!! Don't worry, he will be alright. "  I said and started rushing out.

" What happened?? " Raj asked me.

" Mehul uncle is serious. " I said and rushed downstairs. Dad and Chachu were leaving for the office when I rushed to them first. 

" Dad, wait!! We need to go to the Shah mansion. " I said and everyone looked at me.

"Why?? " Mom asked. I looked at Mahi She looked tensed to see tension on my face.

" Er...  Mehul uncle collapsed sometime during the night." I said. Her face turned white.

" WHAT?" Mom and Dad asked,  looking shocked.

" No!! How?" Dad asked. He also looked pale.

"Mihir went to his room to tell him something and saw him lying on the floor,"  I explained. Mahi dropped to her knees and burst into tears, upon hearing that.

Mom and I rushed to her. I placed my arm around her and picked her up, she hid her face in my chest and cried. Mom got her a glass of water but she shook her head, mom forced her to take a few sips.

" Don't worry, beta, he will be alright. " Mom said.

" Oh, God!! That idiot must have taken everything to his heart. I really want to beat him now. "  Dad said, he had tears in his eyes.

We all rushed out. Mom and Mahi sat in the rear seats and Dad was taking the driver's seat but I told Dad that I would drive. He nodded. He was too shocked to drive.

" I must call Vikram. " He said.

" Mihir has already done that," I said and drove there.


Happy Chhoti Diwali. 🎉🎉🎉

Good morning friends.

Sorry for being late, I had food poisoning last night. Had something wrong at a mall yesterday, could not sleep for the whole night yesterday so  slept till 9 AM after sleeping around 6:30 in the morning.

Anyway, here is my today's chapter I hope you liked it please let me know.

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Friends I have posted some new recipes which are not on Wattpad. I am posting 3-4 recipes every on my web page. My daughter is editing my videos. It is taking time as I made them for the first time without a tripod and lights. But now I have started  using them. I am learning from my mistakes.

Please like and follow me there to get, tried  and tested, easy recipes. The link is on my message board.

Take good care of yourself and enjoy the festival. May this festival bring joy, happiness and prosperity in your life.


It started with an Accident...Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz