Chapter 11

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Ron's POV

Oh, God!! No!! No! I don't want that either.

" I don't want to get married to her, in fact, to anyone. I was talking about Raj. My family is looking for a nice girl for him. And they were thinking of Myra but since you both are in love and already engaged, we would have to find another girl for her. So who can be better than our Roshni? "  I cleared my point immediately.

" Hey!! Wait!! She can't marry Raj. " He said. I knew it, he would find some excuse.

" Why?? Raj is not a playboy like me. He is sincere, decent, responsible, and well-settled like you. He is helping Dad and chachu in the business. While I am helping Mom in her and my grandpa's business. You wanted a well-settled decent boy, he is everything you want in the prospective groom for Roshni. Right? "  I asked.

" Yes, Raj is an eligible bachelor But she is too young to get married. Her education is not completed. I can't allow her to marry. " He argued. 

" Her education will be Raj's responsibility once she gets married to him. So don't worry. Bye. I need to talk to my parents."  I said and rushed out before he could say anything.

I saw Mahi standing there with a shocked expression, I didn't even know what was she thinking about this conversation, I wanted to talk to her but she was avoiding me like a plague.

Mahi's POV
10 minutes ago...

I was getting sick, Ron was giving too much attention to Roshni and Bhai was behaving weirdly.

I wanted to take a painkiller so went out to get medicine and water but was surprised to see Bhai standing in front of Roshni's room with a stopwatch in his hand.

Now what?

I raised my eyebrow and asked, "  Bhai!! What are you doing here, standing in front of Roshni's room with a stopwatch in your hand?? "

" Nothing!! " He shrugged.

" It is definitely something, I have never seen you behave like that, I am actually worried about you. Exactly, what are you doing?  Please, tell me. " I asked.

" Mahi, don't you have anything to do, is everyone absolutely free today? " He asked with annoyance.

"  What does that mean, Bhai? " I asked.

" You just told Ron that you were busy, please go and do your work and leave me alone,"  he said concentrating on the stopwatch.

" Oh, I said that because I was avoiding, spending time with him. " I said and got his attention immediately.

Shit!! Why did I say that?? Now he would ask questions regarding that.

" Why were you trying to avoid him? Did he say something, he should not have? Tell me, I will beat him? " He was getting angrier all of a sudden.

" No!! But I don't like flirt men like him. I don't want him to flirt with me as well.  But what are you doing here??  Do you want to talk to Roshni? Let me call her, why are you standing here like that? " I said. He was relieved to hear that.

" Great!! Now leave me alone. " He dismissed me, but instead of going away, I called Mihir bhai on the phone.  He picked up my call.

" Yes, Mahi? "

" Hello, Bhai, Manik Bhai is not feeling very well, he is behaving differently, and has been doing weird things since morning, please come back home fast, I am getting scared to see him like this. " I said to Mihir.

" What? I am coming. Tell me what happened. "  He asked.

" What nonsense?? Give that phone to me!!" Bhai said and took my phone and talked to him," Mihir, I am absolutely fine. Do whatever you are doing. As it is everyone is getting involved in my life, I think everyone is free,  don't you dare come home before your usual time.  Go check your patients there, I am absolutely fine. " He said and disconnected the call.

" Bhai, shall I get you something??"  I asked as I was getting worried. But he made me go.  I went away but came back immediately and saw Ron coming out of her room.

What was he doing inside the room and why was the door shut?

Was he...?

Of, course!! He has to flirt with every girl in the city.

How does it matter to me?

Bhai was saying that he would not let him marry her. Her?? Who was he talking about?

Me??  Never!

But Ron had come out of Roshni's room. Does he want to marry her? Poor Roshni.

I can't let her marry him and spoil her life.

But the next moment I came to know that he was talking about Roshni getting married to Raj ji.

Oh, ok!!

He said he would not marry anyone.

As it is, who would marry such a man?? Only an idiot can think of doing that.

Really? My inner voice said.

Shut up!! Not another word!  I said firmly.

Why?? You can't tell me to shut up. I am not Ron. I am your inner voice and whether you want me to say anything or not, I will still say it.

Don't take his side, you know how he is...

I know. You said so many things to him that could hurt anyone and yet he is talking to you sweetly.

You know what he did... I can't forgive him.

At least try and be normal to him.

Ughhh!! I don't want to see him, I don't want to talk about him, don't even want to think about him. Have mercy on me, stop talking about him.

I hate him.

I rushed to my room and threw myself on my bed and cried to my heart's content.

I hate him...

God, please keep him away from me. I don't want to go through pain again.


Good morning friends 🌄

Here is my today's chapter I know it is repeated but you read it from Manik's pov earlier, what was going in the Ron and Mahi' mind was need to be shown.

Any ways, I have not used many scenes from Raj's book only those which were important to portray his character. Please bear with me.

The book has just begun it takes time to explain the background and bring them together, If I had started from where we left in Raj's book, the book will get over in less than 40 chapters.

I could have added those to Raj's book itself. But there is a lot of dimensions which are to be explained in this book. I need some time to explain them. I hope you understand it.

Take good care of yourself and have a great day ahead.


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