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A/N: sorry for not updating in so long!!! I lost the motivation and also started studying far more, but I'm back to try finishing the story!

I was right, about the peace being momentary.
Soon after settling in, all the students were gathered into the Great Hall. I tried my best to keep my face hidden, and so did Draco. He had to bend his knees slightly, since he was a bit too tall. I wanted to laugh at that but I couldn't.
Rumours of Harry's return spread quickly, and we were all trapped in it. Snape and the other death eaters were looking for supporters, for people who helped Harry return to the school.

And I am one of them. Yet... Yet exposing myself will only harm my future, and Draco's future. I can do that to myself, but not to him. He's gone through too much. I can't let anything else happen to him, not if I can help it.

Harry returned with Hermione and Ron. They went to Dumbledore's brother's place, and Longbottom had gone to pick them up.

We all huddled around the entrance, hidden behind a painting. Everyone was standing in anticipation, wondering if Neville would truly return with the trio we were all waiting for.

Draco held my hand. I let him, thinking it would give my mind some ease. It did. His warmth, his touch; they would always blind my worries. And I love him eternally for it. I need him now, and I hope he needs me too.

"Do you think they're okay?" I whispered to him. I can't trust any optimistic thoughts anymore. I don't want my hopes to be crushed, don't want to think everything is fine, when in reality, it isn't. What if they're dead? What if Voldemort found them somehow, and killed them?

What if that's a warning, a sign that he will kill me too? What will I do then? Draco needs me. I need to be here for him, and for myself. I can't die. I can't go away quietly like my mother and sister did. I can't leave my brothers, leave my friends. I can't leave when I finally have a place to stay. I can't leave when I finally feel like I have a home.

Draco glanced at me, squeezing my hand. "They're fine," he murmured back, blue eyes flitting about. No one's listening. "You know them. They've survived just about anything, especially Potter. They'll be fine," he repeated. Like an assurance, to more than just me.

That's when the painting moves. Everyone falls silent, eagerly watching...
And then there they are. Neville grins, leading them into the light.

"Get the word to Remus and the others that Harry's back?" He said with a toothy grin. One of the younger kids reach for the phone, murmuring a, "lightnining has struck!"

I sighed in relief, releasing my lover's hand. I moved to the front of the crowd, smiling softly at Hermione.

She hugged me, patting my back. "I'm glad you're here," she said.

I hugged her back, squeezing her slightly. "So am I," I whispered in response.

After everyone settled down, Harry clapped his hands together. He offered everyone a weak smile before explaining his plan.

"There's three horcruxes left," he said Everyone paid close attention to him. We all are eager to finish this. To end this bullshit, and finally get a happy ending.

The one we've waited years for.

"And we believe it's somewhere in Hogwarts." I waited for him to continue explaining, but he doesn't.

"And?" Seamus asked, his eyes narrowing. "What is it?"

I almost scoffed at Harry's sheepish expression. "Don't know."

"... Do you know where it is in the school, then?" Seamus proposed.

Please do, I thought to myself. Make it easy for us.

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