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I felt alone. Sadness. A deep feeling in the pits of my stomach. I knew that it was just concern for Draco, but I never felt so extremely since my mother's and sister's death.

So, when it's late at night, when everyone would be asleep, when the professors would be off-guard and are unable to keep their eyes open, when I get the opportunity to slip out, I leave my room. The sound of the door creaking has me flinching at the thought of waking anyone up. My shoes softly tap against the ground as my feet shuffle on the floor.

When I reach the Hospital Wing, the only source of light is the illuminating gaze of the moon. The curtains fly in the breeze, hiding the urgent sound of me moving towards the occupied bed. I take my wand out, murmur the spell lumos, and direct my wand away from the peaceful body asleep in front of me. I take a stool, lift it to avoid hearing the groaning sounds of dragging it over. I place it with a mute thud, then sit down and stare at his face.

My irrationality has brought me here. It seems to be getting control over me. I lean forward, the tips of my fingers brushing his arm.

I roll his sleeve up, aware to keep him asleep. Alert, I check for any cuts, scars, wounds, my mind not being able to process that Snape's counter spell had fully healed him up.

He grunts, rolling to the side, muttering something under his breath.

"I'm so sorry," I whisper, stroking his platinum blond hair covering his closed eyes. "I'm so sorry you're misunderstood."

He remains silent, a glimpse of a snore escaping his parted lips.

"Don't you ever get yourself hurt again," I hiss, portraying anger to hide my cracking voice, tearing heart and blurring eyes. "If you do, I-I..."

I bite my lip, blinking a tear out. "I..."

Why am I talking to a passed out person? Why am I wasting my time here? Why do I feel as if I'm supposed to be here? Supposed to be talking my soul and heart out?

"You don't know what you did to me. You don't know what you do me now."

Restless, he rolls to the other side.

"There's only one explanation for why I feel like this," I tell him, tell his sleeping soul, tell his heart. "It's because I.."

The word is so hard to say out loud. In this sentence. In this way. To someone. To him.

So I force it out of my mouth, because I need to tell myself to accept it.

"I love you."

Afraid he would wake up, I mice the stool away, shake the light out of my wand and retreat away from the room, heart pounding.
Was he awake?
He could've been. But no, he would've responded. Sent me a signal he was awake.

I reach my dorm, and hope to sleep it off while I can.


I wake to the bathroom door grating open. The rising sun presents me a dim greenish light as it passes through the curtain. My eyes do their best to stay awake, and when I turn my head to the bathroom, a body, leaning against the doorframe, proceeds to approach me. My instinct kicks in, and my sleep fades away as I, in haste, search for my wand on my side drawer. When my fingers find the slim wood, I raise it to the body, yelling a hoarse, “stay right there!”

“Please…” He sobs, raising his hands, surrendering. “Please…”

His voice…

I immediately jump out of bed, dropping my wand. It rolls under my bed, and I grunt at the thought of retrieving it. “Draco, what are you doing here?” 

Villain's Love || Draco x OCOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz