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The train station is crowded. I find myself wanting to clench onto Malfoy's arm, the person who's guiding me through this mess. I almost grab onto him, but I swallow down the urge. He leads me to the train. He looks over at me, before opening the carriage door for me and gesturing for me to go in. 

My hand brushes my bag, unintentionally checking if I have it hanging on my shoulder. I see Malfoy send me an indirect gesture, indicating his impatience. I ignore him, brushing past him. I smell strong cologne as I make my way inside. Perhaps he doesn't have good taste in his word choice, but his cologne choices are superb, if I've got to admit.

"Not down there," he interrupts my thought process as his cold fingers wrap around my wrist. I look over my shoulder to see him scanning my face. "That's where the Gryffindors sit."

"You have separate carriages for each House?" I ask bluntly. "That's the most stupidest thing I've ever heard of."

A boy with circle glasses, a redhead and a bushy haired girl spot us. They look at us weirdly, as if the sight of a platinum blond boy and a brunette haired girl is a rare and unique one. I quickly recognise them as the golden trio, a.k.a Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, and Hermione Granger, the mudblood. For a second I'm confused as to who is the boy who lived, but I catch a glimpse of the scar my father gave to Potter when he was just a child.

I don't realise that Malfoy still grips onto my wrist. He pulls me towards him, then leads me into the next carriage. I look back to catch Potter still staring. 

"That's Harry Potter," I murmur to myself, somewhat speaking to Malfoy. "He's shorter than I thought he was."

I meet blue eyes. He tilts his head, a vague smile curling his lips. "Believe me, there's many things about him that would disappoint you when you figure out that he's not all everyone thinks he is."

We go quiet when he starts to approach a table. There sits two people. I don't recognise them. I think I would have if they were Death Eaters. 

When we get closer, I spot the two send a nod to Malfoy. Then the female looks at me and raises an eyebrow. I raise one back, showing slight dominance. We hold each other's gazes before she breaks it. I sit down next to the window, right before Malfoy slips in next to me. He leans back, and I can almost sense his relaxation. 

I let my bag sit in my lap as I get comfortable. It's awkward for a while, before Malfoy sighs, leaning onto his elbows as he introduces me. 

"Pansy Parkinson," he says, bored. "Blaise Zabini. Meet Mara Riddle."

Their eyes flit to my face. I can see that they're searching for proof, for any sign of resemblance. I look into their eyes and then tear my gaze to the window. 

"My pleasure," I hear Zabini flirt, winking at me when I glance at him. 

"Clearly," I retort, which wipes the smirk off his lips and the gleam out of his eye. 

Parkinson grins before extending a hand. "Nice to meet you, Riddle."

I hesitate to shake her hand. I think my father wouldn't approve of me making friends when I'm here for a whole different purpose. But I shake the need of approval and extend my hand, gripping onto her hand firmly as we shake hands. 

She smiles at me and says, "you won't mind if I call you Mara?"

The question sounds stupid, but I don't feel bothered by it. "I guess not."

I see Malfoy eyeing me. Perhaps he didn't expect me to be so friendly. Pansy doesn't seem so much my type of friend. Her personality seems incompatible with mine, but I guess I'll give it a shot. I'm here now and I might as well as have fun and not be lonely. 

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