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When I heard that Weasley was in the Hospital Wing due to him choking on poison, I immediately felt guilt.

That is the one thing that leads me to the Hospital Wing. In my right mind, I would stay far away, but to know that an innocent being is hurt because of me, my irrationality drowns me. Hurrying to the Wing, I almost trip, but the entrance’s frame catches me. I lean against it, exhaling quietly as my gaze sets on the crowd of professors gathering a bed. I hear Potter and Granger sniffling. Suddenly, a body rushes past me. I see it’s the curly haired girl I saw in the train. 

I move closer, hiding myself behind the professors. 

“My Won, Won!” The girl screeches, rushing to the bed.

Granger stands up. “What are you doing here?”

The girl stares at her like she was stupid to ask that. “Excuse me, I happen to be his girlfriend!”


So Granger’s jealous because of that. Mhm.

“What are you doing here?”

I want to speak up, but I need to remain hidden. Potter looks around and I duck when he looks in my direction. 

“I happen to be his…” a pause. “Friend.”

“Friend? You haven’t been talking to him for weeks and now you’re all over him because this made him interesting?”

“For the record, I’ve always found him interesting!”

I suppress a chuckle. They’re fighting over one, stupid boy. I expected better from Granger, but I guess you can’t help who you love.

An unintelligible murmur is heard. I step on my tippy toes to see Weasley looking disturbed.

The girlfriend leans forward, grabbing his hand. 


This time I can’t hold my chuckle. The professors look back, but I cover my face and act like I’m searching for who chuckled too.

A choked out sob escapes the girlfriend, and she flees away, leaving Granger and Potter grinning at each other. She places her hand into his, listening giddily to her name coming out of the redhead’s mouth.

I step back. 

While their attention is diverted, I leave.

He’ll be alright.

Yes, he will be.

He’ll be cured.

He’ll be… fine.

I am not guilty.

The plan failed.

I am not guilty.





I wish.


I’m in the Great Hall. I’m bored listening to Pansy and Daphne talking bullshit. They repeatedly bring up Blaise and Theo and how they treat them so well and how they’re all this and all that. It’s more sickening to listen about Theo, as it’s all his mask. His façade. The face he shows everyone else, and the face he takes off when he’s alone. 

“Mara?” Pansy leans forward, putting a strand of hair behind her ear. “Um, I’ve been wondering… what happened between you and Theo?”

I look at her. 

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