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I wake up to the bathroom door pounding. I sit up, stretching, yawning the drowsiness from me. The hammering continues, and I keep ignoring it as I continue to slowly wake myself. I hear a growl from the other side, so I get up and force myself to the door. Knowing I'll open it to an impatient, furious Slytherin, I prepare for an insult or two as I turn the knob.

"What took you—"

"What do you want?" I ask in exhaustion.

Draco scans my face. He raises an eyebrow, then collects his thoughts and replies, "did I wake you?"

"Unfortunately," I answer, shifting my weight onto my left leg. "What do you want?" I repeat.

"To ask if you were going to Hogsmeade with the gang," he says smoothly.

When he realises his request seemed a little clingy and out of nowhere, he adds, "Theo was asking."

He was? I think to myself.

"Was he?" I shrug, considering it. "Well, do you still stand by what you said?"

"What did I say?" He says, forgetting our little encounter yesterday afternoon. His eyebrows furrow as I open my mouth to reply.

"You said you wouldn't go without me," I remind him. "Do you still stand by that?"

Draco meets my gaze. Suddenly, an unprecedented burst of energy fills my bones, and I stand upright, my eyes no longer full of sleep. His lips twitch into a soft smile. We stare at each other for a while before he replies, "sure."

I can't help but smirk. "So, if I decide not to go, you won't go either?" I confirm.

I don't even know why I'm doing this, but messing with him has always been fun.

"Quite so," he replies playfully, leaning against the doorframe. He shows me a pure smile, his eyes twinkling.

When the silence gives me the opportunity, I realise that my heart is beating faster than normal. And, at the thought of such idiocy, my cheeks flush.

"Then, I'm sorry to inform you that we're both going," I say, breaking our gaze by turning around and grabbing my Hogwarts uniform.

"How disappointing," I hear him mumble under his breath.

I ignore his comment, and gesture for him to leave. His face returns to its normal solemn expression— perhaps the side I witnessed last night and just now was an exclusive I will rarely be seeing.

"How is it disappointing though?" I ask before he shuts the door.

He looks over his shoulder, then releases a bitter scoff. "You wouldn't understand."

"Oh, but I have a few hints," I say carefully, watching him slowly close the door. I catch him glancing at me before we are separated.

He's so different and weird, I can't cope with what he makes me feel.


I kind of like that.


"Finally," Blaise leans back, relaxing when he sees Daphne and Pansy emerge from the girl's dorm. "Are you done with your daily routines? Because if you're not... I swear I will burst."

"Burst in arousion," I joke humorously, smirking when Zabini chuckles and rolls his eyes. Daphne sits down next to me, nudging my shoulder playfully. Pansy grins at me, like if she is approving my attitude towards the two. I shrug— can't I have fun, especially since Daphne and Blaise are kind of cute but are too stupid to officially get together?

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