Minsung :)

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Someone like you

Walking down the street a boy looked up at a billboard seeing a stunning man showcased on it.

Once upon a time the boy knew that man.

But now they were complete strangers.

He continued down the road finally getting to the building he worked at.

Scanning his key card he hurried up to the recording room him and his two friends rented out.

Already seeing his other two friends in the room brought a small smile to the normally gloomy boys face.

"Ah Jisung you're here." One of the boys spoke sitting in front of the control panel and computer.

Jisung nodded at him returning to his usual stoic face.

Setting his stuff down he took a seat on the couch not in the mood for socializing today.

Placing his headphones over his ears he turned on his favorite playlist the first song coming on being Someone Like You by Adele.

Closing his eyes he hummed quietly along to the music not realizing he was drifting off.

When he awoke there were more people in the studio.

Sitting up from his sitting position he stretched slipping his headphones around his neck.

He noticed that now another one of his group members were sitting next to him on the sofa.

"Hey Innie." Jisung spoke reaching out to pat the top of the others head.

"Hey hyung how was your nap?" He asked giving Jisung his classic foxy smile.

"Much needed." Jisung spoke his head still not there yet.

"That's good. Chan and Changbin hyung went to get their food and then we're gonna finalize the lyrics for Hug me and record the demo." Jeongin spoke resting his feet on the coffee table.

"Your onto recording Run right?" Jeongin asked the sleepy boy next to him.

"Yeah we got the demo done and I was up all night figuring out the notes. I even woke Hyunjin up once and he threw a stuffy at me." Jisung frowned remembering that the hard eyes and nose of the stuffy hit him square in the center of his face.

Jeongin laughed hearing his other hyung behavior the night prior.

They eased into a comfortable silence scrolling through their phones maybe once in a while showing each other something.

Chan and Changbin walked in with now Minho another group member following.

"Hey hyung." Jeongin spoke being his friendly self as always.

Jisung nodded at Minho when he looked over at him.

Standing up he grabbed his bag and they headed over to 3Rachas regular studio.

Sitting down Jisung pulled out his notebook and Minho did the same.

"Okay so let's figure out what you want to do." Jisung spoke logging into Chans laptop that he left there for them.

"I was thinking about definitely incorporating more of my vocals and give it a kind of ost vibe maybe?" Minho left the end of his sentence as if it were a sentence.

Unfortunately in the creating of everyone's solo song Minho fell behind asking Jisung for help on creating his.

They have all day to create and do the demo for the song.

So there they sat all day going through stuff looking through some of Chans already created instrumentals deciding they didn't like any of them and overall starting from scratch.

Skz OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora