Jisung Centric%

346 2 0

TW: Anxiety disorder, panic attacks,

Exiting the car after Chan I took a deep breath.

A futile attempt to calm my nerves.

Chan seemed to notice my not so subtle anxiety.

Wrapping his arm around my back Chan pushed me passed the flashing cameras.

Attempting to smile I entered the building.

Letting out a sigh of releif as the rest of the members followed.

Chan rubbed the back of my neck in an attempt to soothe me.

"Thanks I don't know what I would do without you." I complimented.

Chan gave e a bright smile and gestered for me to take the lead.

My shaking legs traveled furthur into the building through the familiar hallways.

We had another english interview raising my nerves.

My english wasn't terrible but it wasn't as good as I want it to be.

Entering the elevator I pressed the button as the members piled in.

Some of the members were joking around and teasing each other but I wasn't really feeling up to it today.

I felt bad becasue I felt like I was failing them by not being my normal self but I just couldn't force myself to do it.

"Hey Hannie are you alright you seem a little off today." I hear Minho whisper into my ear.

"Yeah I'm fine Minnie just a little tired." I responded hoping he wouldn't pry.

"Alright let me know if you need anything though."

I simply nodded as the elevator doors opened and we all piled out.

Chan took the lead as we all followed behind him.

He opened the doors to the practice room which would serve as an interview room today.

There were a bunch of cameras in the room and eight chairs in the center of the room.

We all entered the room in a line as we did our introduction.

My hands started shaking as the cameramen gestered for us to sit the chairs.

The chairs were set up in rows of four.

I took the top left seat with Minho next tome and Jeongin in front of me.

Everyone else took their seats.

Chan sat next to Jeongin with Changbin right next to him and Hyunjin on the end.

Above Hyunjin was Felix with Seungmin next to him the Minho and me.

Chan and Seungmin were handed mics as we were counted in for shooting.

Chan started with the introduction and I learned we drawing challenge today.

I silently cursed as my hands started shaking more and more.

Minho seemed to notice my inner turmoil. I could tell he wished to hold my hand but knew he would get in trouble for it.

Instead he gestered to Jeongin infront of us.

I understood what he was telling me and rested my hands on Jeongins shoulders.

He relaxed into my hold as I softly started massaging his shoulders.

Jeongin rested his hand on mine probably being able to feel the shaking of my hands.

He grabbed my fingers and started playing with them as Chan and Seungmin finished up the intro.

Finishing the intro we were all handed and whiteboard and a marker.

Minho rested his hand on my knee until we started filming again.

I was supposed to draw Jeongin.

I kept zoing out during most of the process only paying attention when I was asked a question honing my normal energy.

As soon as the interview ended we thanked everyone and left.

Feeling a bile rise uo my throat I raced to the bathroom with all my members following yelling my name.

Opening the one person bathroom I keeled over the toilet emptying my guts into it.

Felix and Changbin sat next to me rubbing my back.

Hyunjin stood behind me holding my bangs in his hand as I continued hacking into the toilet.

The rest of the members werre sprawled around the bathroom looking at me with looks of concern.

Chan stepped out of the bathroom on the phone.

Felix spoke up first.

"Sung why didn't you tell us it was starting to get this bad." Still rubbing my back as I leaned back onto Hyunjin's legs.

"I didn't want to bother anyone."

Hyunjin took a seat behind me and back hugged me as I laid on his chest.

"Sung you really need to let us know when you don't feel well." Hyunjin whispered into my ear.

Seungmin walked over with some rolled up toilet paper and wiped my mouth and nose.

"Yeah Jisung work is importrant but you're more important." Seungmin spoke.

"Seriously Jisung we don't need you getting sick." Changbin spoke up still sitting next to me.

I nodded as everyone took a deep breath relaxing as we waited for our leader to return.

Chan entered the bathroom with a large hoodie, a waterbottle, and a mask.

"Our drivers will be here in a few I think we should have a movie day back at our dorm."

I smiled slightly into Hyunjin's chest and sat up a little.

Felix, Changbin, Hyunjin, Jeongin, and Seungmin exited the bathroom.

It was just me Minho and Chan left.

Chan handed Minho the water bottle then helped me stand.

Chand guided me over to the sink where Minho was standing.

Minho took me into his arms giving me a slight hug.

"Jisung you need to rinse your mouth out a bit open up please."

I opened my mouth a little to where Minho poured some water into my mouth.

Closing my mouth and swishing the water I spit it into the sink.

Repeating the process once more Minho turned me back around.

He slipped the large hoodie on me then placed the mask onto my face.

He gave me a kiss on the head then turned towards the door.

He grabbed my hand and dragged me out to where the other members where waiting.

Everyone smiled at me as I exited.

I got excited as I realized we would all be hanging out once again.

I practically skipped out of the building the reporters being gone.

Entering the cars Minho, Hyunjin, and Felix following as everyone else went to the other car.

They started playing some of my favorite songs to which we all vibed to until we got to the dorm.

I skipped into mine, Hyunjin, Changbin, and Chan's dorm with everyone else following.

I was finally happy again.

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