Chanlix :) (platonic)

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On track....

"I don't know just sometimes I wish he was less busy and our hours matched up more." Felix sighed resting his head on Hyunjin's shoulder.

"Its not even that I have a crush on him or anything but he's like my brotha and I haven't been able to spend time with him." He whined feeling tears stinging his eyes due to his emotional state.

"Aish give it time Yongbok-ah he will come to you and I can talk to him if need be." Hyunjin spoke reaching to run his hand through the boys blue locks.

"Yea-" Felix was cut off by the door to the apartment bursting open revealing Seungmin, Chan, and Minho.

They came in in a bustle loud and carrying shopping bags whilst joking around.

Felix sighed as his therapy session was interrupted watching Seungmin quickly walk over to lean over the back of the couch to wrap his long arms around Hyunjin's shoulders and place a gentle kiss onto his dark brown head.

Sighing frustratedly Felix stood stomping off to his shared room with his boyfriend Jeongin.

Jeongin was laying in the center of their double  sized bed perfect enough for Felix to jump into his arms with tears streaming down his face.

"Oh my what's wrong?" Jeongin gently spoke wondering what happened to the sunshine boy.

"Hun what's going on." Jeongin spoke hearing Felix's heart wrenching cries.

Jeongin rested his hand on Felix's jaw lifting the olders head to make eye contact which made the older cry more.

"I-i- want wa- n-tah" Felix tried to speak but everytime his words were interrupted by cries and gasps for air.

"Oh Bubba c'mere." Jeongin spoke pulling into his chest and laying down on their soft mattress.

Soon enough Felix's cries calmed and the boy was asleep with dried tears and snot staining his pretty freckle peppered face.

Gently Jeongin placed a kiss onto Felix's lips and joined him in the realm of sleep cradling him close.

Half an hour later of scrolling through instagram there was a knock on the door of their room.

"Come in!" He whisper yelled covering Felix's ears as he did.

The door swung open to reveal Hyunjin who sighed seeing the two wrapped up and Felix with dried tears and snot on his face.

Hyunjin walked forward closing the door behind him and went to sit on the edge of the bed placing his hand on Felix's calf.

"Did he tell you?" Hyunjin whispered softly watching the boy in his boyfriends arms.

"No." Jeongin sighed nuzzling his face into Felix's faded blue hair and inhaling deeply due to his strong love for Felix's shampoo.

"He really misses Chan. Just feels like he hasn't been able to connect or be close to him in a really long time which upsets him cause Yknow he's Felix." Hyunjin spoke scoffing at the end alluding to the fact that the boy always kept a strong relationship with his close friends.

"Hmm have you talked to Chan yet maybe we can set up a mini date for the two?" Jeongin spoke giggling at the idea of setting up his boyfriend on a date with his friend.

"Ooo good idea alright let's get to it then." Hyunjin spoke standing and leaving to talk to Changbin.

"Yo Changbin hyung?" He spoke entering the kitchen making sure it was clear of Chan's.

"Chan?" He spoke asking where he was essentially and Changbin let him know he was in Minsung room.

"Alright so I need your help with a plan....."

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