Chapter One

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Chapter One

Once friends, now nothing more than strangers. Rumors, fake evidence and a very jealous woman made it so two who were once friends were nothing more than strangers. Many years went by and it was more than just their friendship that began to take a turn, the female of the duo ended up being almost completely ignored by her family for her elder twin sister who was popular and was the one who had made her life the way it was. The female had it after being forgotten the summer before her senior year of high school, so she chose to take all of her anxiety and anti-depression medication. She knew that her parents were out with her elder sister having a 'family day out' without her.

So no one knew that she had passed out from over dosing on her medication until there was a knock on the door. The last thing the female heard was the sound of the male she was once friends with. The male that was once friends with her had a birthday invitation for the female he was still friends with. But not getting an answer he got the spare key he was given and he went searching for her only to see the female he had once been friends with that he found out was lying and using him on the ground unconscious.

He went up to her and was able to get a very small pulse out of her, he got his cell phone and called 911 for someone to get her. He didn't know what had happened until he saw the pill bottles that were empty near her body which made things click in his head. She had over dosed on her medication, which made him confused. Why? Why would she do that to herself? Wasn't she better off without him? Wasn't it because of her that they were no longer friends? He checked her person only to find not just a letter folded up in her jacket pocket but her phone as well.

He first chose to read the note that was folded up in her pocket, something told him that everything he ever knew was off. He had to figure out what and why, the only thing he knew would help him out was seeing why the person he was once friends with would over dose on her medication.

|Dear those that this note concerns,

I have chosen to end my life, it has been seen and acknowledged that NO ONE cares or loves me any longer. I've never done anything wrong my entire life and yet no one believes me. I'm sick of being forgotten and so alone. I'm sick of Sebrena getting what she wants because she's 'older' than me. I'm sick of everyone believing HER over ME. I've never once ever done anything to her to make her do what she has. Today my 'family' went on a 'family outing' without me, it just comes to show that they do not believe to see me as part of the 'family' any longer.

I knew it was coming for over five years now I have been without birthday or holiday gifts. I've been starved and neglected for YEARS now and I guess this is where my life ends. I'll never be able to talk to the one male that I WAS friends with because he chose to believe her over myself. I'll never be able to show anyone all of the proof that I have that Sebrena is a lying woman who is hiding her true self. She HATES ME. She's verbally and physically shown that she does. But of course no one will believe me.

So I've chosen to end my life. The medication that was supposed to help me out is how I will end my life and my suffering. I'M DONE LIVING AS A GHOST TO THAT WOMAN! No one will ever believe me or hear me out. I know it is useless, I know that I'm never going to be able to recover from this, and that's okay. I am unwanted anyways, now my sister can get a room to herself like she's always wanted.

Goodbye forever-Serina Gallo|

Reading the letter, he didn't know what to believe anymore. Once the ambulance came to get her, he showed the EMT'S where she was before she was taken to the hospital. Once they were gone, he locked the door and sat on the porch with the note and her phone. He noticed that her phone had a security lock on it but didn't know it. So he looked on the note to see if she had left anything about the security lock only to see on the back of the note she had written the security lock code.

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