Chapter 45: The Pendant's Request

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I stood and nearly tripped to the ground swerving under my legs. But I stumbled over to my thick pillow beneath the covers, slipping my hand under it and pulling out a little bag of Dreamsand. I shielded it from the Guardians' gaze with my body.

The protectors were ever silent. I glanced behind myself. They were watching me steadily again.

I poured a little Dreamsand into my pocket, shoved the bag back, and approached North and Tooth. Soon I stood between them, doing my best to stay upright. They still watched me.

"Hey, guys," I said. "Look over there." I stuck my finger toward the opposite corner of the room. Their gazes followed. I scattered twinkling Dreamsand on them both, and they dropped. When I tried to catch their arms this time, I couldn't remain steady and crashed to the ground with them with a loud bang.

I paused—tense. Something shifted in Isabelle's room.

"What was that?" said Bunny.

"I don't know," Jack replied

"We should go check it out."

"Isn't the Watcher silent?"

"Yeah, but maybe he appeared and North and Tooth are fighting him."

"I don't hear anything else. And we have to stay and watch Isabelle. North and Tooth will take care of Ranya."


"If the Watcher comes after her, we need all of us here."

I waited two minutes after the conversation had stopped. Then I slowly stood back up using the wall.

The pocket where I'd put my pendant warmed again, and lightened, too. Lightened? I stuck my hand in it and met with something smooth and circular, like a large, thick coin. I pulled it out.

It looked as it felt—just with a smooth round button on the top that I'd neglected to find. A teleporter, came a sense. What had once been the pendant. In my vision that night, it blazed gold like the setting sun.

I slipped on socks and boots and headed toward the stairs to get a jacket.

As slowly as I could, I began stepping down the stairs, holding on tight and tense to the thick railing, wrapping my arms around it. Isabelle and I hadn't had problems with the stairs before. But the fifth step creaked beneath me. I froze.

Nothing. I took another step.

Creak. My feet landed on the seventh.

"You hear something?" said Bunny.

"I think you're being paranoid," said Jack.

Creak. Eighth step.

"I'm sure I heard something," Bunny said. "One of us really needs to check it out."

I moved my foot to reach the next stair, but lost my balance—even with my arms around the railing—and crashed down the next two steps.

"Seriously, I'm gonna go check."

"Bunny—" began Jack.

I fell hard on my shoulder, pain bursting, and slid the rest of the way down the stairs. My back and arm throbbed, but I pushed myself to crawl toward my coat hanging near the front entrance.

The door to Isabelle's room creaked open. I bear ran to the front hall and pulled my jacket on. Footsteps thundered down the stairs. Picture where you want to go in your mind. I zipped up my coat and visualized Dakota's front yard with its dying purple plants. Then I pressed the teleporter's button.

My Sister's a Guardian (RotG Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin