All Jumbled Up

14 5 0

Blue Team: Acid, Clay, Gold, Glass, Ice, Metal, Paint, Static, Vine


"Damn it!"
"Watch it, Vine!"

It was pitch black out. All they had to guide themselves back home was the moonlight that was currently being blocked by all of the trees overhead.
"Okay, I'll be the first to admit." Acid held her hands out in front of herself to make sure she didn't bump into any trees. "We may have voted off the wrong player tonight."

Glass could be heard laughing as Gold screamed and fell into a ditch.

"Oh, shut it, Glass! Stop acting like you aren't next!" Paint said as he picked up his pace in order to make some distance between the sound of her laugh and him.

"Bitch." Glass spoke up. "You Were Already Eliminated. Fucking Humble Yourself."

It got quiet after that, provided you could ignore all the trips and grunts the others made from all around you.
However, Glass could make out the sound of Metal's joints creaking and her loud footsteps. With a fake smile on her face, she quickly caught up and knocked her on the back of the head.

"OW!" Metal yelled- grabbing the back of her head. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?"

"For Screwing Us All Over." Glass said as she smacked her again. "Now We Have No Alliance And We're All Gonna Get Voted Off One By One. Thanks Bunches!"


"The Alliance Is Dead And Now We Both Look Like Real Threats." Glass's smile expanded to an even more unnatural level. "How Is That Strategic."

"UMMM. ." Metal started to think.

". . IT JUST IS, OKAY?" She just said after nearly an entire minute of "umms".

"Well, Thanks To Your Wonderful Strategy Our Team Sucks Now." Glass said as she narrowly avoided a tree. "Now The Idiots Have The Majority, And We're Gonna Get Voted Off."
Glass stopped in front of the treehouse. "This Team Is Ruined."

"This team is awesome!" Clay exclaimed to Acid- holding back the urge to hi-five for obvious reasons. "I feel like we really have a shot at winning the whole game now!"

". . Winning." Acid looked away for a moment. "I haven't really thought about winning. I don't think I'll get that far."

Clay's smile didn't falter. "You will, trust me. I'll make sure it's us at the end."

Acid's mood didn't seem to lift. She simply sat on a tree-stump at the base of the treehouse instead. "I mean, can I really make it to the end?" Acid looked down at her hands. "I'm slow, i'm awkward, and I'm not strategic. I jus-"

"Hey- quit it." Clay snapped his fingers. "You're a fighter. You've made it this far, haven't you? Who's to say you can't make it farther?"
. . Acid smiled slightly. "Yeah, I guess you're right. ."

With a loud bang that startled the two, Static suddenly appeared in front of them both. "Why are you all so intent on battling for an unknown prize?"

". . There's not much else to do." Acid said timidly.

Static buzzed softly in silence for a few more moments. "This is the last time you'll hear me speak for a long time."

"Follow what I've left behind. Discover the truth."

Clay looked away. ". . I think I'll just stick to the competition, thanks."

"Why do you have to be so cryptic all the time, Static? Can't you just say what you mean?" Acid asked- now standing up.

"I can never know when we are or aren't being watched." Static said plainly. "What I know of, you must see for yourself to believe."

"I love you both."

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