Bake It 'Till You Make It

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Red Team: Cloth, Dirt, Gold, Paper, Plastic, Sunlight, Water, Wood

The stars shone brightly over the island. Due to an obvious lack of civilization, the sky couldn't possibly be more illuminated.
. . Not that team Red could appreciate it.
It was another tense, stiff walk home in the silence. Everyone was exhausted from the dodgeball contest and the vote.
It was particularly hard since they hadn't had the opportunity to build a shelter. The walk home from challenges and strategizing for the vote took up most of the time in the afternoon, and the challenges themselves took up most of the morning.
Although they were all tired, none of them were even thinking about quitting.
They had nothing to go back to.

Dirt pointed ahead at Sunlight, who was leading the group through the dark once more. "We better not ever vote Sunlight off." He said through half-lidded eyes.
Sunlight forced a giggle- no one else even tried.
As the team of eight got to the beach, Cloth immediately collapsed face-first in the sand for her rest. Seeing how she was quite literally the only blanket on the island, Sunlight collapsed on top of her as well.
Gold stared up at a nearby palm tree- and then back at the group. "Who wants to be a dear and gather some leaves for me to rest on? My ones from last night got blown away."
Sunlight grumbled as she snuggled deeper into Cloth's back, and Paper simply ignored him. Dirt told him to "Get it yourself, rich-ass traitor." (Gold failed to see how rich-ass is an insult).

Water and Plastic laid down in the exact same spots as they did last night- and in the same position, too. Backs to the sand and eyes to the stars.
". . Hey." Water pointed at the sky. "I can see the big dipper." He said as he attempted to draw Plastic's attention away from the vote.
It took a few moments for it to sink in, but Plastic soon realized that she could see the constellations.
"Those weren't there last night. ." Plastic murmured. Water didn't seem to care though. Now, if Plastic hadn't had that talk with Static, then she would dismiss last night to her imagination. But she did talk with Static and the words she'd said to her today still buzzed in her mind.

They weren't on an island.

She couldn't just keep this to herself. She obviously had to tell the others- they had the right to know.
"Water?" Plastic said, turning over. "I have something to tell you.
Water turned over as well. "Me too. I think we should take our relationship to the next level."
Plastic was stunned into silence. If she had blood, she'd be blushing like crazy. Water? And her? She was certainly flattered, but she hardly knew anything ab-
"As in an alliance, of course." Water yawned- bringing Plastic's rampant thoughts to a stop. "You nearly got voted off tonight, and we can't let that happen again."
Plastic let out a relieved sigh. "Yeah, an alliance. Of course."
"I don't know who else is gonna be in it, but we should definitely be the core." Water said- lying back on his side and looking up at the sky. "We can talk more about it tomorrow."

"Yeah." Plastic watched Water begin to doze off. "We'll talk tomorrow. ."

The Morning-

Blue Team: Acid, Clay, Glass, Ice, Metal, Moonlight, Paint, Rubber, Static, Vine

Rubber rubbed his eyes as he awoke to Static's face mere inches away from his.
"Morning to you too." He said with a yawn as he briefly surveyed the treehouse. Clay was doing push-ups in his sleep, Paint was curled up in the corner and Moonlight was staring outside of the window wistfully.
"How do you feel?" Static buzzed as she stood up and gave Rubber some face. "I know sentience can be rather uncomfortable for the first few days, but most everyone seems to be handling it well."
Rubber stood up and gave his legs a delicious stretch, and being made out of rubber he really did stretch. His legs extended and he bumped his head on the ceiling.
Thankfully, his bouncy body absorbed most impact- so he didn't mind the bump.
"I still don't understand all your paranoia about this place." Rubber asked as he continued to twist his body to wake up.
Static quietly made her way over to the exit of the treehouse. "You will soon." She said- making her way down the ladder.
"She's so cool." Moonlight said, admiring the mystery.
"Quiet, Moon." Rubber groaned as he made for the ladder as well.

"Sounds fun!" Vine said as she clasped her hands together. "I'd love to be in an alliance with you!"
Metal grabbed Vine's hands gently. "AWESOME SAUCE."
Vine, Glass, Metal and Ice were sat atop a tree together- away from the rest of their team.
The sun was still rising into the sky- and refracted through Ice and Glass in the most beautiful ways.
"Lookin' good up there, ladies!" Dirt called from down below as he walked through the jungle.
"Thanks, dirty guy!" Ice giggled- waving at him from above.

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