New Heights

16 7 1

Plastic stared in awe at the mountain in front of her. The main reason being she'd never seen one in person before. In fact, all she'd ever actually ever seen were kitchen counters and shelves. This was a completely new sight and experience for her- it all was.
"Oh God. I think I'm gonna be dizzy." Plastic said as she grabbed her head and began to stumble backwards, only to be caught by Sunlight and Water.

"Welcome to your first contest." Six said- floating above the contestants once more.

"This is not a contest." Water corrected, further approaching the base of the mountain. "This is a giant rock."
"It's what you DO with the rock that's the contest, smartass." Six chided.
"Oh!" Gold giggled slightly. "I see our host is already getting worn down!"
"All twenty of you will have to climb up this mountain."
"We just learned how to walk like, ten minutes ago." Water scoffed. "You can't be serious."
"I am."

Six floated up higher.
"In order to win, you must get ALL of your team members to the top of the mountain. The first team to do so will win immunity."
"The other team will have to vote off a player."

". . That's it?" Paper asked with a smile. "Sounds pretty OK to me!"
"How could you be okay with this?" Water asked- glaring down at Paper. "There's no way we're gonna be able to do this."

"Oh yeah; one more thing before we start."
All of the contestants looked up expectantly.
"There's been a confessional placed in the jungle. If you ever need to vent, then that's the place."
"Oh, yeah." Water huffed. "Like that's so helpful."


"Okay, can I vent for a sec?" Paper asked hesitantly- looking around the wooden walls of the confessional booth. "That water guy is really bringing down the atmosphere of the group. ."

"It's the first day and someone's already whining." Clay rolled his eyes. "What a baby."

"I saw a bug!" Vine exclaimed. "It was soooooo cute!"


"If there are no more questions. ."
Several players raised their hands.
". . You may begin!" Six exclaimed as he floated away.

Both of the teams splintered off into their own separate groups to prepare a plan.

Red Team: Cloth, Concrete, Dirt, Gold, Paper, Plastic, Slime, Sunlight, Water, Wood

Sunlight and Water guided Plastic over to be with the rest of the team.
"So what's our plan, folks?" Dirt asked with a smile- putting one foot on a rock.
"We vote you off first so our team can look better." Gold said- picking up a sharp rock to file his solid nails.
"Gold?" Wood beckoned in a sing-songy voice. "I promise, if you make us lose you're going to be voted off."

Noticing the tension, Slime rose to action. "Come on guys!" He exclaimed as he slapped him gooey body onto the wall. "Just follow my lead!"
Slime began to slowly slide up the mountainside, leaving a wet trail behind him.
"So gross. ." Gold muttered- looking away.

"YEAHHH!!" Concrete roared- charging towards the mountainside. He leaped up to grab a ledge, but fell short and slammed into the wall instead.
"You fat bastard!" Wood said, standing over Concrete. "You can't jump high enough!"
"Relax." Concrete said as he sat up. "I'm an expert at climbing. I'm literally made out of rocks."

"Hey! Hey, Plastic!" Sunlight said as she waved towards her- drawing her attention away from the drama. "Watch this!" Sunlight exclaimed- before taking a running start towards the mountain and leaping up onto a small ledge.
"Wow! That's good, Sunny!" Plastic said- clapping for her sort-of friend.

Paper, noticing Sunlight's actions, tapped Cloth on the shoulder.
"Cloth, check this out." Paper said- before effortlessly jumping several feet in the air.
Cloth and Plastic watched in awe as a breeze picked Paper's lightweight body up and whooshed her upwards- far faster than any of them could climb.
"Oh yeah!" Cloth cheered. "That's my girl!"
"I can do that too!" Sunlight said with mountains of energy as she started to scramble up the side of the mountain as well.

Blue Team: Acid, Clay, Glass, Ice, Metal, Moonlight, Paint, Rubber, Static, Vine

"Do we even have a plan?" Paint asked with his usual bad attitude. "Or are we just gonna hope everyone on the other team has a stroke and we win by default?"
Clay immediately leapt up and clung to a ledge- pulling himself up with ease. "We're just climbing. No need to complicate it."
"Easy for you to say!" Ice shouted from below. "Some of us aren't so good at gripping things." She said- looking at her hands that were wet due to slightly melting under the heat.
"IT'S OKAY, BFF." Metal smiled as she walked over. "I'LL HELP YOU UP."
"OMG, BFF!" Ice exclaimed as she clasped her hands together. "Thanks!"
Paint made a gagging gesture towards Rubber as he pointed at the two friends and leap onto a rock to begin his own ascent.
Moonlight flipped his hair for the eleventh time in the past twelve minutes as he dramatically leaned against the mountain's base. "With my incredibly well-defined muscular body I should be more than capable of scaling this wall. . Not that anyone will notice."
"Stop Talking." Glass whispered into Moonlight's ear as she leaped onto the rock wall as well- earning a sigh and compliance from Moonlight.

Acid made the brief attempt to grab hold of a ledge, but her hand almost instantly melted through the rock before she had a chance to haul herself up.
"Uh," She glanced down at her palms. "Anyone wanna help me up?" She asked hopefully.
"We'd rather stay intact!" Paint yelled, already several feet above.
"It's easy, Acid." Vine giggled as she approached. "Just do what I do!" Vine exclaimed as her body began to shake.

The vines she was composed out of began to squirm around as she reached her palm up towards the mountain top. In an instant, vines fired from the palm of her hand and latched onto a rock and allowed to grapple herself up towards the ledge in a matter of moments. Upon reaching the ledge, she extended vines from her palm once more and reached even higher! Clay and Glass were left watching in awe- with Clay almost falling off from being distracted.


"Dude, did you see that?!" Clay said with a childlike enthusiasm. "That girl kicks ass! My team rules!"

"I Hope She Uses Her Vines To Strangle Someone." Glass said- her face unreasonably close to the camera.

Water stared at the camera with arms crossed and an unamused expression. "When I looked to my right and saw spider-chick swinging up the mountain like it was a jungle gym, I knew it was over."


Red Team: Cloth, Concrete, Dirt, Gold, Paper, Plastic, Slime, Sunlight, Water, Wood

Sunlight was lunging from ledge to ledge with a massive energy-filled grin on her face. She didn't seem to mind that her entire team was struggling, only that she had a fun activity that let her stretch her legs. It wasn't until she hopped onto a ledge that had two members of the blue team on it as well that she ran into trouble.
While Clay gave her an idle wave and continued up the mountainside, Moonlight glared her down.
"Hi!!" Sunlight beamed- waving her hand eagerly at Moonlight.
Moonlight only glared.
"Wanna be friends?" She asked as she bounced up and down.
Moonlight only glared.
"Wanna tell me your name?" She asked as she bounced up and down.
Moonlight took a single step forward- before pushing both of his hands against Sunlight's chest and shoving her off the side of the mountain.

"Great strategy!" Clay exclaimed with a smile, giving Moonlight a thumbs-up.
"That was no strategy. ." Moonlight flipped his hair. "That was merely me punishing my mortal enemy."
". . Sure, Moon." Clay said- continuing upwards.

Sunlight let out a shriek as she began to hurdle down the side of the mountain before landing at the bottom with a 'splat'. Thankfully for her, she wasn't made out of flesh and bones, and only dimly flickered upon feeling the impact.
"Ow." Sunlight said as she pulled herself back onto her feet. "I guess it was kind of fun, though." She grinned- turning to the rest of her team. "Did you guys see that??"

However, the team seemed far too occupied with Concrete to say anything.
Cloth, Plastic and Wood were all busy attempting to lift him onto the first ledge- and Dirt had tied his lasso around his waist attempting to pull him up as well- to no avail. All four were visibly struggling.
"Come on guys." Concrete spoke up from atop the trio of Plastic, Wood and Cloth. "Ya gotta try harder.
"Shut it, lard-ass!" Wood yelled from below him. "Your massive fucking ass is making us LOSE!"
"It's not my ass." Concrete said- not seeming panicked at all. "It's my massive muscles."
"Let me help!" Sunlight beamed as she skipped over. "I'm sure that I can mov-"
The moment Sunlight grabbed Concrete's side and attempted to help lift him, she felt herself struggling almost immediately.
"Oh." Light grunted. "Kinda. . heavier than I thought."
Even with all five of them working- they were just shy of raising Concrete to the ledge.
"Water!" Wood grunted. "Get over here! We need some help!"
Water glanced over at the group for a single moment before returning to lying on the grass.
"WATER!" Sunlight yelled. "HELP PLEASE!!"
"There's no point." Water groaned- rolling onto his side. "Even if we get the heavyweight onto that ledge we won't be able to do it before the other team finishes."
"What?" Wood asked with venom in his voice, stepping out from underneath Concrete. "Are you just. . NOT going to help?"
Water avoided eye contact. "Wood, be real. We're not gonna win no matter what I do."
"YOU COULD STILL TRY." Wood shouted at the top of his lungs.
"Uh. ." Plastic continued to struggle under Concrete. "Wood. . you could be a little nicer."
"This lazy bum can be a little helpful!" He yelled once more, pointing down at Water. "Get up!"
"No!" Water shouted back. "You can't make me."


"Girl." Cloth said, crossing her legs as she faced the camera. "Why are these two boys on my team just yellin' at each other instead of helping?"

Light scratched her chin and looked down at the ground. "On one hand, Wood is a little rude. ." She pondered. "But Water is also being pretty rude. . they're both meanies!"

"Wood has seriously got to mind that temper." Plastic said. "It's only the first day, after all. ."
"You think people are gonna vote him?"


Blue Team: Acid, Clay, Glass, Ice, Metal, Moonlight, Paint, Rubber, Static, Vine

The top of the mountain was isolated and lonely. From above, the contestants at the bottom looked like little more than dots.
A long green vine wrapped around a rock at the top of the mountain as VIne hauled herself to the top of the mountain.
"Wow, I made it!" Vine exclaimed with a giggle.
Six descended from above. "Congratulations, Vine! You're the first to make it."
Vine clapped!
". . For your team." Six added. "Paper made it up here a while ago."
Paper idly waved at Vine.
"Wow, good job!" Vine exclaimed as she walked over. "You're super good!"
"Really? Thanks." Paper said with her usual laid-back tone, giving Vine's hand a friendly shake. "I don't get why the others are so competitive. It's just fun and games." Paper added- her body relax and leisurely, free of tension.
"And here comes our third player to make it!" Six said as Slime began to slide his way to the top.
"Hello!" Slime exclaimed- before suddenly gasping upon seeing Vine and Paper shake hands. "AHH!" Slime yelled out- sliding over. "Paper, what are you doing??"

The Human ExperienceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora