Big Deal?

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[Authors POV]

After that fateful argument with Sakusa, Atsumu hadn't heard a thing from him in more than a week. He could only play and practice on his own while watching the hours go by wondering if the other would call him to schedule a practice. However, that never happened, and Atsumu was starting to wonder if he'd gone too far with his taunts. Sure, Sakusa was pretty oblivious to many social cues and people's feelings, but that never excused horrible behavior and Atsumu knew that. He however was expecting Sakusa to get over it in a day or two, but the guy didn't seem to make any effort in communicating either.

Atsumu wasn't going to take a fall for it all and decided he'd just wait for Sakusa to grow some balls for once and apologize to him first. He started it after all was what Atsumu thought as he glared at the PC display and tried to shoot enemies approaching his right side. Just like he promised himself, he practiced to try and improve but so far nothing had changed. He still couldn't decide how to move around the map strategically without being noticed by at least one camper with a sniper. It irritated him more than his current life predicaments at the moment. Even the common yelling and cursing through the mics of other players was enough for him before he logged out of the session and leaned back in his chair while releasing a long sigh.

Nothing was going in the way he'd ever wanted it to. Not a chance that he'd ever beat anyone in those damned tournaments if the practice was going so wrong for him. Atsumu for once in his life just wished the ground would eat him alive after thinking about calling Sakusa for help. However, he didn't get to dwell on the thought too long before a gentle knock on his front door dragged him out of his sighing marathon. And assuming it was Osamu coming to bother him for flaking on Suna, Atsumu dragged his feet while approaching and swung the door open, only, it wasn't Samu he was seeing.

"Surprised Sakusa didn't come here at night and slaughter you in your sleep," Komori said before allowing himself in without permission. Atsumu just stared at Kiyoomi's cousin completely dumbfounded.

"Did that jerk send you here," Atsumu said before shutting the door. Komori simply shook his head and walked over to the couch to chill and watch TV. Not even caring about the expressions Atsumu was giving him.

"Nah, I came here myself. Kiyo has had an irritable mood lately and won't let me even chill at his place without cussing me out for small things, and since you've caused it most likely, I'm just gonna relax here for a bit," he said before smiling and choosing some cartoons to watch.

"Hey, he deserved those comments," Atsumu said and stomped over to the kitchen to get himself some water. And it didn't take long for Atsumu to notice how Komori stayed quiet for a brief second and turned to face the blond. His face was dim, but Atsumu could tell he was also a bit saddened. The cartoons playing in the background had been paused.

"Would you want to be called a cheater even if you didn't do a single thing to provoke it?" The room grew quiet after that, and Atsumu bit his lip feeling slightly guilty. Even staring at his feet didn't help relieve the feeling of Komori staring him down from the couch. "I know what I said was pretty harsh but . . . it's not like he understood my feelings either. We both live in two separate worlds where one of us doesn't rely on the encouragement of others, but the other needs it. I need it, and if he just finds it as an excuse to say that I am lazy and make zero effort whenever he wants, then what do I have going for me?"

Komori sighed and stood up from the couch before approaching Atsumu. His hand slowly reached up and gently rested on the blond's face. It surprised him a bit and he backed up only to finally realize why he had placed a hand on his cheek. Tears slowly slid down his cheeks and Atsumu was shocked at himself. The blond didn't understand why he was crying in the first place, and he roughly wiped the tears away with his sleeve, only, they kept coming back over and over.

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