Predator or Victim?

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"You look lonely." I'd heard a voice call over to me, "Bet I could fix that."
I felt my heart in my throat at just the familiar scent that grew closer, wary of the man that spoke to me.
"Long time, no punch. You been avoidin' me?" My stalker asked me, an arm firmly placed around my shoulders.

I didn't respond, and yet he still stuck around; we were in a public area—I was dumb to have stayed here too long. "You look tense, babe. How's about we head back? I can make you all better." His slimy, slithering words sent chills through my nervous system.

He gave me the creeps, even back then. Still trying to ignore him, I tried to leave my seating area and felt him grip tighter on me, sliding a drink towards me. "Maybe a li'l liquid courage could soothe you, yeah?" He suggested, clearly demandingly.

Stonewalling him all night lead to nothing but a pissed off stalker and an evermore fearful me, completely sober and ready to run. Unfortunately for me, I was at the end of my rope and tied up in some of his.

This was my story leading up to police later speaking with me about his disappearance. The weak needed to be culled, so i did just that. What the police will never know, however, is that the man that threatened me that night became the victim himself at the end of it all.

[The camera pans downward beneath MC's home, revealing a bloody basement and a half naked man screaming in his gag and crying for help for no one to hear.]

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