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It was a grueling hike through the Ancient Forest of Nightmares and Torndl'fung's Cavern but we'd finally made it to Old God's Crypt in just a measly week! Exhausted, myself and the group sighed collectively and caught our breath. Just then, Hern stood up and began to make way for the foot of the Crypt.
"What do you think you're doing?" I hollered to him.
Hern chuckled and turned to face me, a malicious smirk plastered on his face. "A question indeed, that be. I'm takin' what's mine thanks to you lot lettin' me chump ye. It's been fun." He waves us off as if to throw away the whole conversation and the group.

"No, it hasn't, Hern." I responded firmly, walking towards him, "And I don't think you're as done with us as you think."
"What're ye goin' on about?"

I grabbed him by the neck, forced him down into the cold stone beneath us. "Your servitude is still required, peasant. Now make happy. Lest you wish for a more short ending to your own story."

"The same goes for all of you, blathering buffoons. In order to survive, you need me! I have the knowledge of this place and the abilities to power it. So as long as I remain here, you are all my slaves. Pawns with no other goal than to do my bidding, serve me to your final breath. Until I say you're through, you keep walking. Until I say our job is complete, you keep fighting. If you truly believe that you want out, I'm more than willing to make that wish come true one way or another."

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