Burnt Love

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I have made my way to Takashima unscathed, thankfully. The shores of this island are crawling with pirates and things of the sort, though the base of the volcano is practically untouched. I believe that is why Yako and Fuki have gone into hiding there. They must have some hidden plan other than the so-called "retirement" together. I intend to find out before they are slain.

Making my way through the thick of the jungle was relatively simple, save for occasional rockfall and a ravenous beast that had not eaten in a few days by its looks. I distracted the animal for it was of no threat to me, continuing deeper into the island core. I could tell I was close by on account of the stench of brimstone and various signs warning those who choose to trespass to turn back. They were nearby.

I crept through the surrounding bushes, what was left of them at least, and attempted to locate my targets. I saw a camp, and yet, no inhabitants or sign of them whatsoever. Was I too late? Have they already caught onto my plan due to Ogu's lack of appearance? Right as I prepared to step out of my hiding place, the rustling of foliage and sounds of rough dragging alerted me of a new presence.

"情人 (lover), we must make these trips from camp shorter. I fear we might miss Ogu one of these days." The bearded stranger warned.
"Hm. She can wait like a good samurai. I couldn't care less about her temper or her value of time when we have many more important things to sweat over." The taller man said firmly.
"Yako Fumeji, there is more to life than survival, even at our age and physical being."
"Fuki Hajima, don't you start bringing up that wound again. You always use that as an excuse."
"Indeed, however, I always have a point as well."

Yako grumbled something under his breath and moved on from the conversation, dragging a carcass away towards the two's camp. A mere similarity in name is nothing without finding their one defining feature: A severed arm opposite one another.

"You just gonna stand there all pissy or are you gonna help me carve?" Yako questioned.
"If you carve with that kimono on again, I won't hesitate to punish you." Fuki sassily responded.
"Could use some help getting it off then."

Fuki approached Yako from behind, placing a hand on the other's shoulder, sliding his kimono off and revealing a large scar where a right arm would be. Yako turned and did the same, showing empty space where a left arm should have been. It was them. Although a little ragged, these two men had not left my memory one bit. This is the day they are no more.

As they began to skin the creature they'd slaughtered, I crept towards them with my katana parted. I reminded myself that even without their true weapons, these two were dangerous as I reached for Fuki. Before I could touch him, however, a skinning knife freshly bloodied flew past my ear. Fuki ran off as Yako ran forward, fast enough to knock me off balance.

"Kyuko Sagaki."
"Yako Fumeji."
"Why have you come here? Surely, not to interrupt our humble retirement?"
"Your crimes against my clan have not gone unnoticed, Fumeji. I have come to collect on your blood debt to me."

Yako bellowed a hearty laugh at my declaration as Fuki handed him his katana.
"We shall put you with your family then." They said together, splitting up and charging.

Their attacks were quick, methodical. Countering would only leave me with fresh scars and wounds, I thought to myself as I sheathed my blade. The two ceased their assault briefly, perhaps to speak.

Fuki stepped forward a little. "Do you plan to find the rest of us?"
"All samurai involved will be brought to Justice."
"I see. If we were to lay down our weapons and let you live, would you return here last?"
"I do not intend to leave without your deaths. No matter how long this takes."
"I see."

Suddenly, Yako ran at me to swing, jumping over me instead while I evaded a faked blow. With me distracted, Fuki made his way towards me in quick succession. I was cornered, a blade on either side of me. I could not give up hope, I told myself as the two prepared to strike me down. I crouched down, noticing volcanic ash at my feet and threw it at my attackers.

They began to swing wildly in surprise, landing fatal blows on... One another. The two warriors cried in agony as Fuki fell quick, the slash tearing his chest viciously. With the ash mostly out of his eyes, Yako could see the mistake he'd made and fell to his knees.

"No... No, no, no! Fuki, don't let it be true!" He wept to himself, placing a kiss on his partner's forehead, "I'm so sorry, Fuki. Please!"
Fuki reached to touch Yako's cheek. "I did not have enough time to love you in this lifetime, it seems. Promise me you will look for me as I will you in the Yomi-no-kuni." (World of Darkness/Land of Dead)

The dying man's arm goes limp, the last shine in his eyes faded, and Yako's weeping turned to sobbing.

"You will join him very soon, Fumeji. I am sorry that it had go the way it has." I sadly said, slashing him deep in the neck when he turned to face me, "May your love bloom greater than any flower in death."

I left Takashima Island upon completing my mission, heading towards Tsushima for my next target.

AN: Apologies if this has weird progression or writing flow, readers! I was on a time crunch and my brain auto-piloted a good chunk!

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