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I awoke in the deep of the night with a ravenous craving. Nothing could satiate it, I'd thought. That is, until this intoxicating aroma flooded my senses, held me tight. I could be surrounded by it for eons if I had a choice. For now, I followed it deeper into the thickness of the forest. The sweet scent grew closer as the sounds of chatter shattered my delusion as I hid within the shadows. A group of people, campers even, here of all places? This wasn't right; they couldn't possibly be the source of that beckoning smell... Could they? Before I could withdraw back to my sanctuary, a shrill shriek reverberated in my ears. I'd been discovered - No turning back now. My instinct took over, fangs replacing human teeth. My fingernails grew sharper than any eagle's talon, my matted hair and rugged body growing to that of a grizzly bear. Grr... I can't control this urge any longer! I need to hunt!! A guttural roar was my only explanation as the scurrying rabbits attempted to escape. The screamers always taste best first, I thought as I pounced on the foolish woman and ripped her throat out. I followed the scent of a couple next, closing distance in a flash. I hit the male in the face, snapping the woman's neck next. What a night to hunt!! The annoying sounds of sirens snapped me out of my bloodlust, damning the one who'd escaped. I retrieved my dinner of the week and withdrew, a mixture of howling and manic laughter being all the authorities could give the press.

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