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A quick, hard slap across the face was enough to wake me up from my daze. Vision still blurry, all I could make out were the figures of what looked like my older siblings. They were... Shouting at me? The person who slapped me winded up another and that definitely woke me up as I ducked under the swing.

"What the hell?!" I shouted in a shock.
"Carmen Julianna Juanita Rioso, we should be asking you that! Where is abuela's brooch?" Julius, my oldest brother, snapped.
"How should I know?"
"You were the last one with it, you cabron. Did you sell it? I bet you sold it."

Julius nodded to someone behind me, massive hands starting to search my pockets for my wallet.

"Andrew? Do me a favor and get those paws off me or we're gonna have a serious feud!" I warned.
"If you don't do as I told you, I will give Mama your head." Julius demanded.
"Sorry, sis. Seniority beats you this time." My big brute of a brother said sadly, checking the contents of my wallet.

A slender hand snaked in and took out a fat wad of cash with that same look she always gave me. Bitch.

"We needed that brooch so abuela could pass over! You disappoint us, Julianna. Why must you hurt our family?" Victoria asked.
"Why do you have to be such a piece of shit all the time? Prissy cunt." I barked back.
"Language! Abuelo's in the other room." Ramon whispered to me, nodding towards the opening to the living room.
"Fine. Only for you, Ramon. My ONLY nice sibling here." I pouted.
"You forget me, street rat." Ignasio interjected with that shitty little British accent of his.
"Bite me, sewer slime." I quickly replied.
"Glad you finally came home for once too, bilgerat." He said, patting my head.

I rolled my eyes at him and looked back to Victoria. "What's the big idea anyway? The afterlife is bullshit!"
Before I could say anything else, a loud bang came from the living room and Julius grabbed my hand to drag me to his car.

"Let's make sure abuelo doesn't rip you apart for that, si?"

Muse Go BrrrOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora