Crooked Teeth

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Part 10

Part 10

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So... The trip got cancelled.

I mean it's not like it wasn't expected they fought on the same night.

And mostly everyone broke the room rule.

So now we were standing in the school yard getting a thirty minute lecture from Mr. Hudson he threatened to suspend all of us but obviously he can't do that so he let us go with a warning.

"What is wrong with you guys? honestly what is it?" he sighed, "What's your problem!"

"That Mustache!" Trey yelled causing everyone to burst into laughter.

He ignored it and walked off.

"You sure you don't want a ride Lan?" Drea asked putting her suitcase into the back of her trunk.

"No Bill is already on his way," I tell her before hugging her.

"Bye," she kisses me on my cheek and I smile.

I see Devon staring at me and I smile at him he grins and then he enters his car.

Almost everybody was gone when Bill showed up.

"Sorry Ms.Pierce I got into a little bit of an accident on my way."

"It's okay," I say entering the vehicle, the sigh I was about to let out turned into a shriek.

I was met with the most hideous face known to mankind.

My stupid, annoying, loud and obnoxious cousin, Justice.

She was beaming at me with her stupid teeth that were crooked at the bottom.

I just wanted to punch the girl in her light skin face for ruining my already ruined morning.

"Milani!" she screamed startling me with a bone crushing hug.

I push her off of me.

"You get on my nerves, what are you even doing here?"

"I'm visiting of course, mother thought it would be good to spend time with you, Uncle Scott and Auntie Tena," she was already pissing me off and it's only been a minute.

"Ew what was going on in your mom's mind?"

"I just love your humor," she laughs.

"I can't wait for us to spend so much time together, just me, you and Drea," she nudges me.

"My friends are not your friends girl."

She lets out another one of those disgusting noises she calls a laugh.


It was Saturday and I had planned to spend the whole day in my bed, sleeping.

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