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At the age of 11 to 13 Devon Ramirez and Milani Pierce considered themselves best friends the two would sneak out of their house every friday and saturday at midnight and meet at a park near Milani's fathers building.

They would sit on a bench and talk about anything and everything. The two never spoke in public places like school, because they lived in two different worlds one was rich and one wasn't, one was popular the other didn't like anybody, one was rude and the other simply didn't care about anything or anyone.

If these two did interact at school it would be a little nod or maybe a smile in the hallways nothing more.

They couldn't risk people knowing about they're friendship, Milani's parents simply wouldn't approve they would force her to end their friendship so it was kept a secret.

As time went on Milani realized why she wanted this friendship to last so much it wasn't because she was lonely, or needed someone who understood her pain and her sadness, it was because she liked him, she only laughed when she was around him, she only paid attention to his stories and she had a strong feeling that he felt the same way.

So the night they shared their first kiss Milani was over the moon.

She thought it would last forever, because it was simply perfect.

They made plans for the future, they promised that no matter what they would be there for each other and they kept their promise even when they broke up they kept looking out for each other.

But obviously all great things must come to an end and that was the case for their friendship.

Rumors started to circulate about the two being friends and when it got to the teachers it got to the principal and it wouldn't be long until it got to her parents.

Students like them didn't belong in the same friend group and definitely were not supposed to be aquaintances.

From then on the two couldn't even look at each other they were no longer in the same classes and when Milani was somewhere Devon couldn't be anywhere near her.

She never thought he would ever contact her again and he never did.

They both gave up on each other, ignoring each other in the hallways and soon all that turned into hatred for one another.


This is the shortest Prolouge ever but I don't even know what to say because I don't want to give away too much but Imma make up for it with a chapter in a while or maybe tmrw Idk.

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