Chapter 705 - 706

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Chapter 705 The little brother who cooks [1st update]

"So handsome! When did the First Canteen have such a handsome little brother?"

"Yes, does such a handsome little brother really exist?"

"I had known that there was such a handsome little brother in the First Canteen. No matter how terrible the food in the No. 1 cafeteria is, I can still eat it!"

"I want to see this little brother every day. Please, don't be a temporary worker!"

Several girls looked behind window number two. The little brother who was preparing the rice stomped his feet, clenched his little fists tightly, and his face was covered with red clouds. In a blink of an eye, he saw the little goblin at the front of the team still lingering on after finishing the meal, his eyes spitting fire.

"Brother, why don't you buy two more pieces of glutinous rice cake fish? In exchange, I can give you my AI signal!" The little brother who was cooking the rice didn't rush him. He put down the spoon without saying a word and looked at the bowl full of rice

. Focus on a certain spot on the dish, quietly in a daze.

He didn't push her, but someone else did. The people behind the girl pushed her aside.

"Senior, everyone's time is precious, could you please give it a try?"

There were more boys in the queue in front of windows one and three. They stood on tiptoes unconvinced, waiting to see the guy cooking at window two. With his appearance, his arrogance has completely disappeared.

"It's pretty, but what's the use? You have to feed an unattractive person like me." "


The second meal window is the most special. All the people in line are girls, and this team is The longest of all the lines. Girls are usually better at eating than boys. So many people agree that the food in this window must not be unpalatable. Zhen Shuai didn't even think about getting in line behind this line.

The other students in the team looked at him with strange eyes, and felt a little sad after seeing his appearance clearly. He is another handsome guy, no wonder he is not afraid of comparison.

Zhen Shuai's team is the longest and moves the fastest. Not long after, there were only a dozen people left in front of him, and he also understood the reason why this team was all girls except him - it turned out to be the governor of his family. The governor of his family has become the little brother who brings meals!

Zhen Shuai was suppressing a smile, which could not be seen on his face, but his eyes as bright as stars were made even more radiant by the smile.

Sensing something, Shen Xingdu raised his head, met his eyes, and curved his lips.

"Wow! Little brother can actually laugh!"

The smile on Shen Xingdu's face instantly faded and he returned to indifference.

The girls seemed to be waking up from a dream, and their minds were still recalling the flash-in-the-pan smile, but unfortunately they could not take a photo.

"Brother, I want set meal A, one braised chicken leg, one steamed pork ribs, one cold beef and one spicy and sour potato shreds." After the price was displayed on the card reader, the girl took out a card and put it on

it For a moment.

Zhen Shuai accidentally caught a glimpse and fixed his gaze. This card is exactly the same as his!

Seeing the girl about to leave, he took two steps forward to stop her, "I'm sorry, senior, which is the black card you just used?" Shen Xingdu continued to serve the

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