Chapter 487 - 488

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Chapter 487 Fails Again [Second Update]

No. 575 is a thin young man in his twenties. Because he has not been in the sun for a long time, his face is unhealthy white and he looks gentle. Pushed out by the other two, he just frowned and didn't react too violently.

He signed up on his own initiative. The original plan was to be the last one to break through, so that he could verify his guesses about some mechanisms through the four people in front. But it doesn't matter now, he was mentally prepared before coming. He had read all the books in the prison. He didn't want to stay in this boring place anymore. It would be better if he could leave. If he couldn't leave, it wouldn't matter if he died.

Seeing 575 walking towards the horizontal bar, the prisoners booed again.

I don't know which prisoner shouted loudly: "575, you are the smartest person in our prison, can't you choose a more challenging institution?" His words received warm applause


575, as if he had not heard anything, followed the route taken by 943 and arrived at the nail board mechanism smoothly.

His expression was very calm, and he stepped directly on 943's body.

943's eyes moved, and he said blankly: "So you're not dead yet."

The audience felt extremely horrified.

943's eyes slowly closed at this time, and he died completely.

575 jumped up, avoided the blade, stepped on 943's head and jumped to the edge of the nail plate, and passed the iron plate mechanism.

For the prisoners, this process was not exciting, but they still gave them a few slaps in the face.

Zhen Shuai noticed that many prisoners stood up again and seemed to be looking forward to 575's next performance.

575 looked around and did not choose the mechanism adjacent to the nail board mechanism in the fifth row. Instead, he looked at the mechanism to the left of the nail board mechanism in trance.

This is an arched iron ladder, erected like a bridge among the organs, extending diagonally from the fourth row to the seventh row. If you can pass this bridge, you can skip at least two mechanisms. However, every pedal of the iron ladder is movable. The front is flat and safe, and the back is densely packed with needles. The pedals flip every few seconds. The countdown given on the electronic screen is thirty seconds. There are other mechanisms below the iron ladder. If you fall from the iron ladder, you will fall into other mechanisms.

575 seems to have seen the pattern of pedal flipping. After stepping onto the iron bridge calmly, his movements were sometimes fast and sometimes slow, and he did not hit the dense needle once.

This involves very precise calculations. For example, when the first pedal is safe and the second pedal is pinned upward, he has no chance to stay on the first pedal for too long because the first pedal will not Keep turning over, and you won't let him stand on it all the time. The thirty-second countdown ended and he happened to step off the last pedal.

Whether it was the inmates at the scene or the audience watching the live broadcast, they applauded him from the bottom of their hearts. No matter what 575's character is, everyone has seen his intelligence.

Many prisoners, including players, are ready to take action. If 575 succeeds, they will also sign up, and then they can follow his route and leave the prison.

But at this moment, two prison guards removed 943's body and restored the foam pad mechanism to its original state.

The smiles on the prisoners' faces gradually stiffened.

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