Chapter 477 - 478

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Chapter 477 Friday’s Secret [Second update]

Today, in addition to those who have passed the exam, there are also several older prisoners who cannot do heavy physical labor. There are seven men and women in total.

The fat master was a little puzzled when he saw the numbers on the clothes of Zhen Shuai and Shen Xingdu.

"The prison guard told me that you two don't have to do anything today."

Zhen Shuai said with a smile: "It's okay, we have nothing to do, so we came to help."

The fat master was surprised and gave him an approving look.

"Not bad."

He led them to a pile of vegetables.

"These are what you will use today and are your work today. Cut the green peppers into sections, slice the cucumbers, peel the potatoes, cut them into pieces, and soak them in a bucket. Break the cowpeas into small pieces. Don't forget about the onions and garlic. Forget about peeling. You all divide it among yourself, and you can leave when you're done."

After saying this, the fat master left, not afraid of anyone being lazy. These vegetables also include the prison guards' portions. As long as they are not afraid of delaying the prison guards' meal, they can be lazy.

Zhen Shuai glanced at the vegetables in the basket, and there was no doubt about the division of labor. "No. 1009 and I are responsible for the cowpeas and cucumbers, and the rest belongs to you. It should be no problem, right?" The others nodded and said it was no problem

. It was obviously extraordinary that these two newcomers could survive the orientation activities. There is no need for them to offend. Besides, although potatoes are a little more troublesome to deal with, there are five of them in total, so Zhen Shuai and Shen Xingdu can't really take advantage.

Next, everyone started working hard.

Zhen Shuai and Shen Xingdu first cut off the heads and tails of cucumbers and cowpeas with kitchen knives, and then began to clean them. While carrying and cleaning, they looked around the kitchen. There was a back door in the kitchen, which should be used to transport ingredients and garbage. channel.

Zhen Shuai pretended to take out the trash and went out to explore.

One of the chefs who was putting away the kitchen utensils noticed it. He only glanced at it and then looked away, not paying attention at all. There have been prisoners trying to escape from the kitchen before, but no one has ever succeeded.

The back door of the kitchen seemed to lead to the outside of the prison, but the door at the end was also locked.

Zhen Shuai turned back again.

He washed his hands, picked up the kitchen knife, and used it to slice the cucumber. He was very good with the kitchen knife. He heard a series of "dong dong dong dong dong", and he cut a cucumber into dozens of thin slices with almost the same thickness. It was still neat and beautiful when put in the clean basket.

The other prisoners were stunned, and it took them a while to come back to their senses.

After Shen Xingdu washed all the cucumbers and cowpeas, he also took a kitchen knife to help cut them. The kitchen knife made little sound in his hand, but it did not affect his speed. In the same matter of seconds, a cucumber was cut into pieces.

It only took the two of them less than two hours to complete the work. They greeted several masters and prepared to wander around other places in the prison.

The fat chef took two big, red tomatoes from a big bowl and handed them to Zhen Shuai.

"It's been washed."

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