Team Infighting and Reunion

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Alright, next chapter! This one is about Jaune finally leaving Beacon and Remnant to return to Japan- but something gets in his way! Also, the reunion has come!

Disclaimers: As usual, I do not own Hololive, Holostars, RWBY, or any other properties that appear in this story.

Hololive and Holostars belong to Cover Corporation; RWBY belongs to the late Monty Oum (I refuse to admit that Rooster Teeth has the rights to the property after its many screw-ups), and any other Vtubers or media belongs to their respective owners and companies.

With that said, on with the show!


(Remnant, Kingdom of Vale, an hour after the Glorious Star had left)

It had been seven days since the Grimm attack on Vale, and Jaune had been waiting for this day to happen. After spending one year (four months on Earth) in Remnant, he would finally be able to reunite with everyone back at Hololive Productions and go back to the one thing he enjoyed the most.: being a Holostar.

Right now, Jaune is packing everything from the house into the luggage he bought using the lien he got from his streams and all the part-time jobs he took within the year. He is taking everything from computer hardware to frying pans and utensils, food, technology, and even the stove.

Despite knowing that the stuff he had back on HoloIsland was of much superior quality, Jaune didn't mind having an extra part in case of a malfunction with his old appliances or computer hardware. It also helps that he knows a certain blacksmith from the Indonesia branch who can help him make use of the spares to make something new.

"And there. All done! Everything was packed and ready to go; all I needed to do now was wait for a good time to leave with Sana and Coco or wait for the company members to arrive and pick me up!" said Jaune as he finished packing the last luggage in his bedroom and wiped the sweat from his eyebrow.

Jaune, as he looked up at the ceiling and reminisced on everything that had happened to him for the past year, "Man, it's been a wild ride for me; it feels like yesterday that I was kidnapped and stranded on Remnant by a bunch of prick gods, creating a temporary account on dusttube to stream on, doing multiple jobs, falsifying my credentials and entering Beacon Academy, meeting my team and team RWBY, pretending to be weak to avoid attention, Earth and Remnant merging, the singing contest plus being reunited with not only Sana and Coco-senpai but also my family. Oh, there is also me having to reveal Bahamut and obliterating almost every single Grimm in Vale!" He chuckled, "Times sure have changed."

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"Jaune-senpai, are you done yet? Coco-senpai and I are finished packing the rest of the luggage! If that's the case, please return to the living room!" Sana called out to her Senpai before her footsteps could be heard walking away.

Jaune, after closing and locking the last luggage, stretched his limbs to get rid of the muscle soreness as he told himself, "Now is not the time for reminiscing, Jaune! That is now all in the past! It is now time to finish bringing everything  and head into the living room where Sana Coco-senpai awaits." He told himself.

He put all his luggage and bags into the pocket dimension that his Senpai, Shion, thankfully taught to every member of Holopro to make it easier to carry their belongings. Once everything was set, he opened his bedroom door, closed it behind him, and headed to the living room, where Sana and Coco were having some small talk.

Coco, who noticed her kouhai from Holostars arriving in the living room, greeted him, "Yo, kouhai! How's it going? Are you ready to return to HoloIsland and reunite with everyone?"

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