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mars pov:

i wake up from being violently shaken and i open my eyes instantly to see lila. "mmm...what's up?" i ask confused why she's woke me up

"come on the teacher said we're going to the lake soon and you're still asleep" she sighs and goes to my bag pulling out a bikini "you can wear this girl, you'll look hot as always"

i giggle and nod whilst standing up "okay i will, i'll be out in five minutes maybe?"

she nods and smiles "okay! don't take too long or i'll drag you out by your hair. love ya!" she kisses my cheek and walks out the tent. gosh i love her, she's the bestest friend i could ever ask for.

after around an hour we arrive at the lake and everyone starts to jump in the water apart from me and tom. great i'm left with him. all i remember from last night is our argument and seeing him make out with like 20 girls. i decide to ignore him and go on my phone instead until he speaks up. "what are you doing?" he looks at me curiously

"none of your business tom" i pull my phone tightly against my chest and look away

"don't be a bitch mars i'm just trying to make a conversation. now tell me what you're doing." he rolls his eyes and kisses his teeth

i roll my eyes in return "i don't need to tell you anything, can't you just fuck off for once? always on my ass for what?!"

at that moment tom grabs my arms and pins me to the floor and i choke at the sudden movement "i said tell me what you're doing mars!" i stare at him and stay silent, slightly scared of his sudden outburst and wonder what he's going to do. "answer me you bitch!" he spits

"i'm just watching tiktoks. get off me tom!" i mumble as his pressure on me makes it harder to breathe. his expression changes from anger to guilt instantly and climbs off me "i-i'm sorry, i didn't mean to scare you-" i cut him off as i stand up "you're such a dick, just when i think your changing you go back to being like...that" i walk away and find my best friend lila again

"hey mars! oh shit i forgot to ask...what's going on with you and tom?" she asks and smiles innocently

my eyes widen "what are you talking about? there's nothing going on with me and tom-"

she interrupted me and giggles "oh come onnn! i know there is, he's always sneaking glances at you and he was the one who carried you back here last night. you can trust me i wont tell anyone" she puts her hands together as if she's begging

i pull a confused look and cock an eyebrow "he carried me back? and he definitely doesn't look at me! i know what you're thinking and no. hell no"

"yes he carried you back and refused to let anyone help, it was quite cute actually. i think he likes you, i can see it in the way he looks at you mars." lila exclaims then adds "i think you like him too.."

i roll my eyes "me like tom?! is that a joke, i fucking hate him!" suddenly i feel arms wrap around my waist and someone's hot breathe in my ear "you hate me huh? that's not what you was saying a few nights ago. do i need to do something to shut that pretty mouth of yours?" i recognise that voice instantly and i could already tell he was smirking.

lila and me pause instantly and glow red with embarrassment, before i can make a snarky comment back tom throws me into the lake and i scream. "what the fuck tom?!" i yell as my head raises out the water. i see him and his friends laughing and pointing at me. what a dick. this is so embarrassing.

"aww you gonna cry mars?" he shouts, teasing me. his friends continue laughing and make insults at me as i float in the water awkwardly. he knows how embarrassing this is for me, and how i cry when i'm embarrassed.
what am i doing so wrong to him?

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