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mars pov:

i groan and look at tom who's smirking. i smack his arm "why are you smirking idiot?"

tom looks down at me "do you know how many options i have now to piss you off? this is going to be so fun mars bar"

i pull a disgusted face "don't you dare call me that you man whore"

he puts his hand on his chest and groan "oh wow! how dare you mars bar? that's so insulting" he bursts out laughing and i walk away to follow lila and georg

two hours later, everyone is settled in and we are all joined at the campfire. i'm sat in between tierra and lila until bill speaks up "let's play truth or dare guys!" everyone agrees instantly

"okay hmmm...tom, truth or dare?" bill asks

"dare and don't make it a boring one. i want something juicy" i cringe at the word "juicy"

"alright...read out your last dirty text message" bill challenges with a smirk

"oh come on let's easy bill" he brings out his phone and starts to read "baby i wish you were here, my hand isn't as good as your wet mouth" he reads with no shame and looks around while smirking

everyone laughs and mocks him whilst i just stare at him in disgust and gag

"don't act surprised guys, he's probably slept with half the country" tom kisses his teeth and speaks up "yeah wouldn't you like to know? you're not innocent either, how many guys have been down your throat!" i laugh "aww did i hit a nerve tommy? i say sarcastically and speak before he can insult me again "anyways let's move on, that was gross. gustav, truth or dare?" i ask

gustav replies instantly "truth" and i smile whilst i think of something to ask "who do you have a crush on" i ask knowing exactly who he likes. linni. she's cute so it's understandable, and they are definitely compatible.

gustav hesitates for a moment before replying "um i-i fuck. linni, i like linni" i watch his face glow with embarrassment and i turn to linni who's giggling and blushing like crazy. call me cupid at this point!

tierra interrupts the cute but embarrassing moment "mars, truth or dare?" she says with a smirk, i know she's planning something evil but i nod, accepting the challenge "i dare you to sit on toms lap for the rest of the game"

my face glows with embarrassment "tom?! why him? come on please pick someone else" i beg but she's shakes her head no and her smirk grows. i look over to tom who rolls his eyes, obviously not enjoying the idea. finally something we agree on. eventually i find the courage to sit myself on his lap and watch as everyone continues to play the game.

after a while i get uncomfortable and try to get up but tom grabs me by the waist and pulls me back down. i hit his lap hard and he groans. i snap my head around to look at him "what are you doing tom?" i whisper passive aggressively.

"don't. move." he growled and i obey instantly, half scared of his tone and half nervous with butterflies. his hands wrap around my waist, holding me comfortably and i feel a weird feeling. why is this kind of nice...?

after a while everyone starts to get tired and head off to their tents, with me following close behind. once in the tent i sent on my mattress and go on my phone until i hear toms angry voice "get out"

i look up at him and scoff "why should i do that? it's my tent too" he instantly rolls his eyes "i need to get changed idiot. now get out" he mumbles aggressively

"could've at least said please you know" he pauses for a moment and replies "please get the fuck out" he pairs with a sarcastic smile

i hesitantly get out and wait outside as he changes, i look over to the tent and notices the the tent flap is open a little and i take a peak.

shit shit shit. it's tom. shirtless..."oh my why does he actually look good?" i think to myself as i admire his toned abs. suddenly i'm snapped back into reality when tom walks out with a smirk, oh god did he see me?

"staring issue mars? you like what you see huh?" he teases with his famous smirk plastered on his face.

i stay silent for a moment thinking of what to say. after a few awkward moments of silence i chose to overcome my thoughts and shove his shoulder as i walk past "as if tom"

you're mine. | tom kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now